Chapter 26- reality check

Start from the beginning

"Other supernaturals have joined in as well, they've split up and chosen their sides. Some chose to be on Andy's, some chose to be on Brendon's/ the Angels and some chose the smaller, less important sides. Every one who has entered the war has some reasoning behind it, whether they were too scared to start a fight with a certain person or whether they just enjoy to fight, it doesn't matter. this war has given everybody the perfect chance to create bloodshed.

I didn't know what I thought about this, to be completely honest I was scared out of my mind and confused beyond my wits end. Do I join the side of the pack that helped me through it all or the side of my mate, the one I am destined to love for eternity? I can't exactly love him for eternity if he's dead. "Lucky enough you won't be involved," Alex announced as if this news would make me jump for joy and go slide down the nearest rainbow. Reality check Alex, there's no rainbows, unicorns or cupcakes in a war only death and loss.

"What do you mean?" I narrowed my eyes at the nervous boy in front of me.
"We have found a place for you to stay and a guy that will protect you with his life." Oh so now they think I can't handle myself, well I'll show them. "Take me back to Andy right now," I demanded.
"Alaska you know we can't do that," Jack started but I cut him off with a very hard kick to Jack junior..
I then turned swiftly, punched Alex in the gut and quickly shifted into my wolf before running off in the direction of the cabin. My wolf was yipping and galloping through the Forrest glad to finally be back on four legs after such a long time and I couldn't help but agree with her. I had really missed the complete feeling of freedom that came with being a wolf, especially if you didn't have a particular pack. Which I really didn't have at the moment.

It didn't take long before I heard the sound of heavy paws hitting the forested Earth behind me causing me to pick up my pace in a blind panic. It was times like these that my small stature really came in handy, it made it easy for me to weave in and out of harms way. Fur brushed on mine and I caught a glimpse of Jack preparing to gently nip at my leg, I hurriedly kicked him in the snout with my hind leg trying not to fall over in the process. A loud Yelp was heard as he flew backwards from the surprise of the blow, Alex soon tried to tackle me but I ducked and avoided his oncoming attacks with ease. I could tell they were getting tired and I was really starting to feel bad, after all, Alex is my cousin and Jack is my best guy friend.

I was about to slow down and apologise but what I saw up ahead of me made me change my mind in an instant. A large black wolf was standing on a fallen tree trunk assessing the scene in front of him, I immediately knew it was Andy by the light tingles that erupted on my mark and the butterflies that started to attack my stomach. Andy's large wolf form leapt down from the tree trunk and instantly started running to meet me in the middle. We were so close, only a few meters separated us, the huffed breaths of Alex and Jack could be heard directly behind me but I wasn't panicking any more...I was so close, I had nearly reached him....a bright light erupted from in front of both Andy and I causing us to cease our running and to shield our sensitive eyes.

Large, black wings slowly unwrapped them selves from a figure and spread themselves out in a threatening way that made a bolt of fear shoot down my spine. The inky black of the feathers shone against the moonlight and the razor sharp tips of them were smeared with blood. I couldn't make out the figure through the the mass of light but I could clearly see that it was a man. Ever so slowly the light began to diminish and the man that was left was Kieran."hello Alaska," he smirked, stretching out his back and cracking his neck. "How have you been?" He asked casually whilst I just stood their with my jaw hanging open. "I never realised how cute you were as a little doggy before," he pondered lightly tapping his chin. A loud grow came from the pissed off alpha behind Kieran causing his attention to snap to the awaiting black wolf.

"Oh hello Andy, you're looking adorable," he added, tilting his head to the side, "now I'm not sure if those two told you Alaska but as the person that I am sworn to protect you must come with me while the war continues," he revealed, looking at Andy through the corner of his eye and smirking. Bones snapping suddenly filled the silence of the clearing before Andy's loud voice boomed around us. "She will do no such thing!" He argued taking a step forward.
Kieran let out a breath before looking down, "look, I understand that you're mates and all but if she dies I die, it's kind of how this whole guardian angel thing works, you don't have to worry about me making a move on her because I have morals and currently I don't really care about her romantic relations I care about her safety."

"So for the moment I just have to get her away from you and that Brendon dude so she can make up her own mind comprende?" He deadpanned. Andy looked like he was about to argue but I stepped forward. "I understand, I'll go," I said through the mind link before shifting back, not really caring about what I was putting on show. "What?!" Andy yelled, "you can't be serious."
"It's not like I'm not going to come back, think of it as a vacation," I said taking Kieran's outstretched hand.
"Wait Alaska!" Andy yelled but it was to late with one zap of bright light we were gone.
Okay we're getting into the thick of it now, which side will Alaska choose?
Which side will you guys choose? Team Brendon or team Andy.
And by the way we need some ship names because I am completely shit at making them so if you have any good ship names just comment them and I'll choose which ones will be used.
Do you think I should include Fletcher more in the the story or nah? I enjoy his character but I feel like he's not really a main what do you guys think, should I make him a main?
That is all, FAREWELL!

Chapter song: two princes by spin doctors

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