Chapter 9

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"I've got another confession to make,
I'm your fool."

Gotham City
October 15 20:45 EDT


Barbara didn't know what to do anymore. Jason was the only comfort for her. Two years of searching and nothing.

Her father was ill, having lung cancer from all of the smokes he took. Jason understood, he tried so hard to take her mind off of it.

But no matter what, nothing worked. And so, as she sat on the edge of the building, she wondered how would things be if she never was batgirl. If she never got obsessed with the rush and the adrenaline.

If she had never met Dick, Bruce, or Alfred. This was the first time she had thought about quitting everything, she felt lost. She couldn't find her way back to her path.

She swallowed down the lump in her throat.

The suit that was hidden in the back of her closet seemed taunting to her, her mind kept drifting back to it, over and over. And yet, she didn't have the heart to take it and burn it, or even tear it apart.

The more she thought about it, the more she wanted to forget.

She wondered if this was what many girls wished for, after a heart jerking breakup. The wish to delete memories, the feelings, everything that was shared between them. For Barbara, that would never happen, those memories would plague her, no matter what.

The sound of boots against the roof made her turn. "Jason." She breathed out.

He sat down next to her, "I'm sorry again about your dad."

"It's fine, it's not like you were the one who made him smoke all the time.." She said. Her gaze went up and spotted Wayne Enterprises. The building alone had more memories then her own house did.

"I remember climbing the roof, at Wayne Manor, Dick was pissed at us." Jason said, glancing over to Barbara.

"He yelled at you more then he did me." She said.

He gapped at her, "That was due to the fact you had an unfair advantage by kissing him!!"

She smiled, "No one said you couldn't, gay boy."

Jason glared at her, "I like boobs okay? Not dicks."

"Chill boy wonder, I was joking, I know you dig girls." She said, watching Jason perk up slightly.

"I wonder how he's doing." Jason asked.

"Me too." She said.

"Come on, no more sulking." He said, grabbing her wrist and tugging her away from the building.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"You'll see." He called back at her, the smile on his face never wavered once.


She couldn't believe the boy. He had gotten every single Harry Potter movie in existence together and the home theater up and running to binge all of them.

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