Tutor | Oneshot

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"Crap, crap, crap I'm late." I ran through the halls, running into several people, yelling an apology hurriedly as I made my way to the counselor's office at school. For some reason, my teachers wanted me, of all people, to show a new kid around the school. Why me? I'm considered a "jock", bad at school and I have zero concentration.

I paused for a moment in front of the office door to catch my breath so I looked somewhat composed when I walked in.

"Hi Mrs. Thompson. Sorry I'm late." I apologized, offering a smile.

She sighed. "It's alright. This is Annabeth. I want you to show her around school today." Mrs. Thompson gestured to a fairly tall, skinny blonde haired girl. Whoa...she had cool grayish eyes.

"Hey." I extended my hand. "I'm Percy."

She shook my hand and we both continued smiling until the formality of the situation hit us and we burst out laughing. Mrs. Thompson glanced at the clock and told us, "You're going to be late for class if you don't hurry, go!"

I opened the door and the two of us rushed out just as the bell rang. "Shoot. So, what do you have first period?"


"Great, me too! There's only one science teacher this period so we're in the same class." I cringed a bit at my voice. I sounded like an overenthusiastic teacher and if I didn't shut up, I was going to start rambling on accident.

Annabeth just laughed.


After science, I waited outside until she came out of class. "What class do you have next?"

"Math, but I don't think it's the same math class most people have..." she trailed off.

"What class?"

"Calculus." She told me.

I almost choked on my non-existent water. "What? We're in tenth grade, most people are usually taking algebra two. You're two years ahead of everyone else in math? Dang, how smart are you?"

She blushed. "I'm not that smart." She looked really cute when she blushed...wait, what was I saying?

"I don't agree but okay."

I led her to her math class before finding mine, in which I was close to failing. Yay for me.


I walked out of math in a bad mood, grumbling to myself about how my teacher said I needed a tutor.  Annabeth was waiting for me when I got to her class. "You don't look happy." she remarked.

"Yeah, my teacher said I needed a tutor, but they all annoy me instead of helping."

"I could help you."

"You can?"


"Do you want to meet up after school today, maybe?" I asked.

"Sure, what time?"

"Sometime after my swim practice? It's only half an hour and it's right after school. You could wait for me, right?"

"Yeah, totally." She smiled.

And so it was set. Possible tutoring with a girl I may or may not have a slight crush on.


I pulled myself out of the pool, feeling exhausted and ready to go home when I remembered I still had tutoring with Annabeth today. Huh, I wondered where I was going to meet her.

Wait, she was in the bleachers. "Is practice over?" she asked as I walked over.

"Yeah I just need to take a quick shower in these horrible school showers."

"How bad could it be?"

"You have no idea." I laughed and headed over to the locker rooms.

"Wait, I don't get it." I stared at the paper, confused.

"Percy, we haven't even started yet."


"So what exactly don't you understand?"

"All of this." I waved at the paper in frustration. "I just...what the heck is a parabola and how do you graph a circle?"

"Okay so if x plus y squared equals 49..." and she began, patiently showing me even when I asked too many annoying questions or didn't understand even after the fifth time.

After the tutoring lesson was over, I made a somewhat subtle move to ask for her number. "Hey can I have your number so if I have any questions when I'm finishing my homework tonight, I can text you?"

Subtle enough, right?

"Sure." I handed her my phone and she typed in the number.

"See you tomorrow."

The first thing I was going to do when I got home was text her. Definitely.

And that was a super rushed but I'll make a part two hopefully and summer school is stressful but I got a 5.0 for the first semester so hopefully I can pull that off for the second semester.

I'm also going through all my old chapters and I'm attempting to revise them but they're so bad, I'm cringing, and I'm considering deleting several of them.

I've already unpublished around 30 chapters but I've been doing it lowkey so nobody's noticed disappearing chapters, I don't think.


Percy Jackson Headcanons and OneshotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя