21. I got a MIGRAINE

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8 1/2 months later

"Slow down!" Luke charges ahead of Clementine who held her giant baby belly. Which wasn't even done growing.

"You keep putting off this doctor visit, and I'm pretty sure you have alien babies at this point." Luke comes back and grabs her hand, dragging her into the office.

"Luke! Ugh." Clem gags and throw up in her mouth.

"Clementine Everett." Luke says to the office lady and she escorts them to a waiting room.

"Luke, calm down." Clementine says, her eyes roll as she (not-gracefully) flops into the chair provided.

"Hey, I don't want alien children coming out of you." Luke stood against the wall and waited for the doctor.

Clementine finally decided to climb onto the cot beside her and lay down.

Dr. Kotleen walks in a greets Luke, then Clem.

"Now, I see you're coming in to see how many children you'll be having! Congrats." Dr. Kotleen opens a cabinet and pulls out a small tub of a clear gel.

Then she grabs the ultrasound machine and pulls it towards her.

"Okay, this might be cold." Dr. Kathleen giggles and pulls up Clem's shirt, revealing the bump.

She begins the spread the gel on Clem's stomach, just as Nick barges in.

"Am I late? Did I miss it?" Nick askes frantically, his hat almost flying off.

"No, you didnt." Clementine sighs and lays her head back as the doctor turned the machine on and the black, grainy picture popped up.

"Okay, let's see!" Kathleen moves the machine around, finding not one, not two but THREE healthy babies! Two boys and a girl.

"Fuck." Nick groans and flops into the chair Clementine was in before.

"Yayy?" Luke claps slowly and does jazz hands. "Yayy." Nick chuckles and holds Clem's hand.

"I'm gonna have to- somehow- make three babies pop out." Clem sighs and looks at the screen.

"Am I the Godfather..?" Luke purses his lips and raises his eyebrows, smiling.

"Yes, Luke." Clem laughs and a baby kicks. "Did you see that? It kicked!"

"Cool." Nick smiles and sighs

[Sorry for the short chapter! 4 more until the end! Thank you guys for all the support, I really do appreciate it. Ily♡]

Anywhere But HereDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora