3. Sorry That I Couldn't Get To You

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《Play Song》

Rumble, Rumble. Is all Clemintine heard as the truck was driving off-roaf. "Huh..." Clemintine slowly lifted her head but a pistol was quickly forced onto her temple.

"UMM." Clemintine was starting to panic. The man driving had a orange jumpsuit and a black gorilla mask, the second in an identical jumpsuit but with a ski mask. Nick was all bloody, bruised, and cut. Clemintine slowly straddled Nick, her small body struggling to just get one leg across. She checked for a pulse.

Still alive.

"Nick...Nick please....NICK!" Clemintine slapped his cheek in dispair. The red handprint was slowly forming onto his cheek. AJ Was in the ski masked man's arms, sleeping. Luke was passed out, with a few bruises. "Oh god! Luke!" Clem looked between the two men and chose to go to Luke. She slowly shuffled over to Luke, hand above her head as she checked his pulse.

Still alive.

Clemintine gently kissed his bruises and slapped him, trying to wake him. Luke shot up immediately. "Huh?! OH THESE BASTARDS JUST FUCKING MADE US TRADE FOR OUR LIVES AND EXPECT US TO JUST GIVE UP." Luke raised his voice, which was frightening to little Clemintine. "What?..." Nick was waking up. Clemintine quickly moved back to Nick.

"Nick..what happened?" Clem asked. Nick just looked away, staring through the window, his eyes becoming bloodshot, like tears were threatening to escape his tearducts.

"Nick, WHAT HAPPENED." Clemintine demanded. "They're taking you to their camp." Is what Nick could attempt to spit out. Clemintine's golden eyes widened, she was scared, her weapons were gone. She was vulnerable. These were probably rapist, murderer, cannibals for all she knows.

"No! She ain't goin' nowhere!" Luke shouted. "I'm sorry..." Nick sighed, a few strands of his black hair fall as he hangs his head down. "How. Fucking. Dare. You." Clemintine spat at Nick. The two masked men were holding guns. Ski man held two, one pointed at Nick then one at Clemintine. The driver had a gun pointed at Luke. Luke still had his machete but if he did anything the ski man would shoot him.

"What was the trade even for?!" Clem yelled. "You or all our weapons and food..." Nick muttered. "So that's what I'm worth to you? A few cans of beans, peaches, and corn and like just 15 water bottles?" Clemintine gave Nick her famous death glare. "I..No I...Bitch..." Nick sighed. "What..what did you just fucking say to me?" Clemintine was just about ready to grab the gun the ski man had and shoot Nick.

"You know what their probably gonna do to me?!" Clem screamed. Luke sighed from the front. "We're here, girl. Get out or I shoot." The gorilla man said for the first time. Clemintine gave one last look at Luke and Nick then slowly opened the door and stepped out.

Luke sadly looked up, Nick did the same as Clem was helplessly dragged away.

Clemintine had to escape somehow.

'Okay, there's a fence, looks unstable, there's a clearing just north of the fence, but there's dense forest to the north, there's a large radiator, a electric fence was around it, then a ladder on the left side of a small one-story building. Then a large apartment building with a very flimsy ladder on left side.' Clemintine thought.

"Hey! Girl!" The man hit Clem on her back, nudging her forward. Clemintine snapped out of thought and was thrown into a wooden, shack, with borded up windows.

"Hah, try survivin' when we throw a few lurkers in there." The ski man chuckled. Clemintine watched in horror as five walkers stumbled from all directions.

Clemintine quickly grabbed a chair and a hammer.

Clemintine quickly hit fastest one with her hammer then pulled it out of its mushy brain. A second one was attempting to bite Clemintine's arm but she quickly hammered it's head, breaking it's skull.

The three other ones were slow, so Clem had time to knock them down with the chair and break their skulls with her hammer and by this time she was covered in guts and blood.

The door opened as Nick was thrown in.

He was just there.

I guess the ski man over heard the argument and if this wasn't a game of saftey in numbers she would've killed Nick by now

Then another girl is thrown in. God she was gorgeous.

She had long, strawberry blonde hair, a extremely curvy body, a camo crop top, and black shorts with designer boots.

"Who are you." Clemintine wiped some of the blood off her arm and off her nose. "I'm Amy Summers." Amy smiled. "Why are you here." Clemintine gave her a glare then examined the hammer.

"I'm a prisoner here. They sent me here. Okay, so they'll make groups and they'll send them through tests." Amy explained.

"Okayyyyy then...." Clemintine gave Amy a questionable look then looked at Nick.

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