12. When our last day comes

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Alot of them

Clementine sprung from her bed and found Nick wasn't beside her, letting the comfort of his warmth sooth her.


He was gone.

The sound in place of his soft snoring were gunshots. Firing over and over. No mercy on us.

Clem quickly got dressed and grabbed her pistol and put three extra magazines in her pocket.

Laura lay dead in the hallway, multiple bullet wounds protrude through her flair skin, now grey and pale.

"Oh Lord no." Clem sneaks out and walks into the dining room where Sarah lay there, zombified with a man standing over her, ridding her body with gunshot after gunshot.

"No.." Suprised she wasn't caught yet, Clem ran out.

She didn't look back.

She couldn't.


The place of death she will not forget.

Oh no.

She looked down and realised not all these footprints are her's.

She squats down and begins to track them, finding out whoever made these was limping.

Finding a smaller set of prints Clem is satisfied that those were probally AJ's.

She follows them to a small shack with walkers surrounding it. The smaller footprints now become bloody.

"No.." Clem puts on her silencer and begins firing shots at the walkers, taking them out, one by one.

Finally she hears a loud shot that wasn't her's, followed by a loud clank.

"Hello?" Well that was dumb, no one who would be out there would yell back. "Yeah, here!"

She walks up to the shed and slowly opens the door.

Expecting the worst...

She finds.....


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