23. Queen Bee

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The day came to where Clem and the babies could go home which we gladly did. Hospital food is gross.

Luke came with us to help with anything we needed, Clem is still a bit tired from the sleeping meds but otherwise we're okay.

People constantly came up to use to ask how the babies are doing and what their names are. Blah blah blah.

We made it to the apartment and I stop Luke.

"Okay, Luke did you baby-proof the house? I ask and he nods, holding Nicolas.

"Okay, good." I open the apartment and let Clem and Luke in. "Okay, cribs are in our bedroom."

Luke nods and grabs all 3 babies and runs into the bedroom, earning a giggle from Nicolas.

I flip onto the couch and turn on the TV, finding just news.

"C'mon, man." I sigh as Clementine sits beside me, laying her head on my shoulder.

"Hey, I'll go get a movie, and I'll bring Luca over. Anna needs a break." Luke smiles as we nod, heading out with his wallet to the movie store.

"I love us." Clem sighs and looks up at me as I kiss her. "I know."

A half an hour later Luke comes back with Luca and 'Finding Nemo'

Slipping the dvd into the slit and watching the bold words come on screen.

"I'll go get the babies to come watch." I get up and walk into the bedroom where the babies babbled to each other as I picked them up.

"Hey, your missing the best part!" Clementine calls and I chuckle and grab the babies hastily and rush out, jumping onto the couch and propping them up so they can see.

Half way through the movie the babies fell asleep, and slowly...

So did we.

[GUYS GUYS GUYS, WE'RE ALMOST FINISHING THIS BOOK MAN. I just want to thank you all for supporting me in that little mid-life crisis I had in the beginning of this book and through my random days I wouldn't update. And even to those people who don't comment. Ily all of you.]

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