Sweater Weather (Azusa One Shot)

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As I was walking down the halls I sighed as I looked down the empty hallway. "All the Mukami's must have left, after all school has already started" I sighed to myself thinking that I was the only one home, until... I felt something on my shoulder, a hand? I turn around only to my suprise that it was Azusa standing there. My face blushed a feintish pink tent for I have had a crush on him for awhile now. He would just stare at me with that blank expression, those amazing purple eyes..He waved a hand in front of my face "(y/n)?..." he seemed a bit worried he was trying to get my attention. I blinked a couple times dragging myself back to Earth "Oh.." I laugh nervously rubbing my arm "I'm sorry..I just..umm..." he gave me a worried look, you could tell in his eyes he was worried about me, but why?..why should he worry?...As my thoughts drifted he took my hand causing me to blush tramendously and dragged me away to some strange place in the mansion that I had never seen. We were on a balcany which I had no idea this mansion even had he took me there to see the view and smiled feintly at me. I hug myself to keep myself warm, for it was winter and it was cold outside. I don't understand why he brought me here exactly, but I had a feeling I was about to find out as he stroked through my hair. He looked at me "Are you...cold?" he asked and I quickly nod because my teeth were already chattering, then he took off his sweater and gave it to me to keep warm. I blushed as I put it on, it was warm, and soft I snuggled into it because, it had the smell of him. Then he gave me a kiss on my soft cheek and smiled at me watching me blush like no tomorrow. I looked away out of shyness while feeling my cheek. "D-did he just...k-kiss me?...on the cheek?..." my blushing only got worse as he turned my face towards his own gazing into my lovely (e/c). "(y/n)...there's something...I've...been needing to....tell you.." he went on now having my attention "I've been....well...I've...liked you for...quite...some time now...." my eyes widened in shock because I had no idea and I just blush and smile, he chuckled at me while stating "your blush...it's cute..." he then leaned in and, the unthinkable happened, a kiss. It was sweet, soft, and meaningful, it wasn't very long but I could tell it was heartfelt he pulled me close to his chest so I could keep warm and I snuggled into his loving embrace. He then said in a quiet kind tone "I'll...look after you...(y/n)...and if...your ever too...cold...I'll be...here...to warm you...up.." planting a kiss on my forehead he then held me there, with him as we gazed amongst the amazing view from the balcony.

Diabolik Lovers (One Shots)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें