Music to my ears (Shu One Shot)

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I woke up , having yet another dream about my boyfriend Shu. He seemed to be with me where ever I was, even in my dreams he was there. I wonder if I was in his dreams, as much as he likes to sleep, I sure hope I am. He somehow always seems to catch me at just the right times, at the right places I'm not sure how he does it but he just does. I got up and brushed through my hair then took my clothes and went to the bathroom, for today, I was going to shower. I always love the feeling after a shower I feel all nice and clean. I smiled as I opened the door only to find, shu also in the bathroom shirtless even. My face blushed fifty shades of red as I gazed among his fully developed 6 pack. He noticed me and looked at me with a smirk "well look whose getting lewd" he said and I shook it off and looked away. "Shu, j-just what are you doing here?" I smiled while looking away "I simply came in here to take a bath you know? I need to get ready for the day too.." He said and I blushed even more "W-well I was going to take one first!!" I put my foot down and stared at him and he chuckled a little and gazed at me. "Well would you like to join me?" He said while smirking at me gazing along my body. I blushed yet again while smiling like an idiot thinking to myself "Wh-what should I do?...I mean..I want his abs are just mm..and like...well...yeah but if I do he'll say I'm lewd again..He's the one who gets us into these situations damnit! What do I-" My thoughts were interupted by a deep passionate kiss from Shu instantly causing me to melt he smirked at me as he slipped off my top and pants quickly without me noticing then after the kiss he stopped. "Well now that your already half naked I believe you have no choice but to join me" He smirked at his accomplishment and I blushed noticing that he was right and tried to cover myself while blushing. "Wh-what? but how?" I said and he laughed and said sexily "It's magic baby~" while winking and I looked away and he came to me again and turned my head and he came up to me and grabbed my hand pulling both of us to the tub filled with suds. 

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