I'll Look After You (Ruki one shot)

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It's been awhile, as I can remember, being here in the Mukami mansion. It's refresing being here actually. Considering everyone seems so much nicer to each other. The sakamaki's would yell, and get upset or never talk at all but here with the Mukami's I actually feel like I'm at home here, not to mention the love of my life Ruki, is the head of this household. I held my heart in rememberence of how we had met, it was all so sudden and strange yet in a way, I'm glad he had found me and took me here. If he hadn't then we wouldn't be where we are now. I turned around to find Ruki now awakening and looking at me he smiled and said "good morning gorgeous" while giving me a kiss and I smiled saying " Good morning" in responce. He always slept shirtless, and we had always slept together ever since we started dating which has now been almost a year actually. He got up and put his shirt on and I slept in a night gown so I put some clothes on as well. Getting dressed in the same room wasn't bothersome because we had seen each other, many times already. It was a new amazing day, I smiled as I took in a breath of fresh air. Ruki saw me and smiled while taking my hand and kissing it then looking at me into my eyes and held me close to him. "What would you like for brekfast this morning, dear?" He questioned then I responded "I think...some eggs..with bacon would be nice." He smiled down at me and kissed me "your wish is my command love" he said as he left the room to the kitchen to make breakfast. This is one of the many reasons why I had grown to like Ruki, he was sweet, compassionate, and hard working all at the same time. I walked out of my room through the halls only to find, suprisingly, Kou, sitting on the floor? What is he doing here? On the floor even? I thought to myself he saw me and said "Aye m-neko-chan~! Good mowning!" I laughed because I got his joke "good morning to you too Kou." He got up "have you been sleeping there all night?" I questioned and he shrugged "Nawh just took a nap there is all" I laughed again "okay then I guess when your tired your tired right?" He nodded in agreement "hey whats for breakfast?" he questioned me curiously. "Bacon and Eggs" I stated he rubbed his tummy "Mmm~ Sounds delicious I'm hungry already!" He said with such excitement in his voice. We were all in the kitchen, the meal was ready and smelling really delicious, I loved Ruki's cooking! His meals were always so good! The meal was then surved by my beloved and with a smile on his face as he saw me happily eat the food. He looked at me and asked "how is it?" I nodded and said "Delicious as always master Ruki" He smiled at my response. Kou devoured his meal and tried to get more eggs "I want more!!" Yuma stops him and picks up the eggs being the tallest of the house he used it to his advantage "You've already had more than enough Kou!! Let Azusa have some!! He barely has any!!" Kou sighs in frustration and says to himself "b-but it was so good..." he puts his head in his hands as he pouts to himself. Yuma then looks at Azusa "would you like more Azusa, you didn't seem to get very much" Azusa looks up at Yuma with a blank expression and nods his head "yes...I'll take it...if you want me to..." he looked back at his plate of food and Yuma put more on his plate then sat back down keeping a close eye on the now pouting Kou. I couldn't help but giggle at Kou's behavior he was always like this when he didn't get exactly what he wanted then again this is better than him being angry. After the meal was finished we all said thank you, I was the last one to leave. "You know you really could be a cheif if you wanted" I told Ruki with a smile, he smiled back and said "you think so huh?" and got closer to me and I smiled "I know so" I said then he chuckled silently. "You know, I don't understand you sometimes.. then again..that's probably because your Eve, isn't that right?" He stated while looking deep into my eyes and I nod in agreement. He planted another kiss on me and hugged me close to him "your my eve...and I won't let you go...not now..not ever..." he said softly as we embraced each other then he pulled back looking into my eyes again "you don't need to worry anymore...I'll look after you..no matter what" he stated then kissed me passionately with kindness and gentleness. 

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