'Enough!' Eve said walking over to stand beside her husband. 'I have heard enough. Kill her, and her whore mother.'

'Eve If you cannot be patient then maybe you should leave.' Adam said to his wife. glared at him, but didn't say a word. 'Do you understand what the penalties for consorting with demons is?' he asked Lilith.

'I do, but I don't see why it should concern me. She isn't mine.' She said nodding at Maddison.

Adam turned to his son. 'Where was it you found your mother?'

'With the demon's father.'

'We have all we need; she is guilty of the crimes she has been accused of. She must be sentenced to death.' Eve said earning a warning glare from Adam.

'Do you still deny your innocence?' He asked Lilith.

'Of course.' She said straitening her stance.

Eve laughed. 'Pathetic, your own son says you were with the demons.'

'I can't believe I have a brother.' Maddison whispered.

'You are no sister of mine! You are an abomination.'

His words sent a sharp pain into her chest. Even in the supernatural world she was seen as a freak. Was there no where she could fit in? people who would except her for being her? Tony's name pooped into her head. Yes, he excepted her for who she was. Even if he didn't at first. What happened to unconditional love from family? She looked at her brother, and mother standing there. And felt rage build up inside of her. How dare they judge her, for what? Being born. She didn't have any control over it. This wasn't her fault. But still she was the one to suffer for it. Lilith stood there so proud, and strong. She was the one who dragged her into this world. Not because she wanted to get to know her daughter. But because she needed to use her. Without thinking, Maddison lifting her hands out on front of her, using the force of the anger building inside of her, she let it out through her hands. Throwing Lilith, and her brother across the warehouse. She watched, feeling a little satisfied when their bodies hit the ground hard. 'I will show you what an abomination can do.' She lifted her hands again.

'Kill her!' Eve screamed

Maddison glanced at the angels as the surrounded her, she glanced at Adam who still stood beside her unmoving. He stared at her, with wide eyes. She turned away from him, closing her eyes. She allowed her wings to immerge from her back. It didn't matter that her hands, and feet where chained together. She didn't need them to fly. She flapped her wings, feeling her feet leave the ground as she lifted into the air. The warehouse was closed off, there wasn't anywhere she could fly too. But she had to try to escape. One of the angels jumped up into the air, his white wings emerging. An angry look on his face. Maddison threw out her hands, using the same power as she had with her mother. She sent the angel flying across the air of the warehouse. She flapped her wings to make herself go higher. A bright white light shot out from one if the angels, hitting Maddison. A searing pain burned into the demon side of her body. He black wing, no longer working. She felt her body as gravity took hold and she began to fall. At least she had tried to go out fighting, she thought to herself. She knew that if the fall didn't kill her, the angels soon would. Excepting nothing else could be done. She closed her eyes, and fell.

She thought about Tony, as she began to fall. About his soft kisses, his smile. His sometimes messy brown hair. About the day they had met, and the way he made her feel. How she would never see him again. She allowed herself to be completely consumed with Tony. She waited for the cold hard ground to smash into her. But instead of the cold hard ground, she felt warm soft arms wrap around her.

Maddison opened her eyes, shocked to see she was no longer in the warehouse with the angels. Instead she had somehow ended up in Tony's car, in his arms. 'Am I dead?' She asked, not entirely sure she was in the afterlife. Tony swerved the car he was driving over to the side of the road, and parked. Leaving the ignition running he locked down at her squashed in his lap.

Demonic Angel (New version)Where stories live. Discover now