Tagstar Allstar!

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Me: Okay so yeah I got tagged. I rarely do anyways. So, I was tagged by GenoWyvern soo, ye lets get started.

Here are le questions;

Here are le questions;

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Q.) What is your OTP?

A.) Skylox desu!!!!!

Q.) Favorite type of book?

A.) Fantasy or Mystery

Q.) Do you like pans? *poses*

A.) Um... *flips through pages* Ty am I reading that correctly? *pauses* I don't have an answer

Q.) What's your eye color?

A.) Pure black! Like my soul....


A.) Yes Undyne. Yes it is.

Q.) Do you think that Sans is overrated?

A.) I'm not in the Undertale fandom anymore so idfc about if he's overrated or not.

Q.) Are you a yandere? *holds knife*

A.) *backs up* N-No! But I know someone who might be *stares at Jin, Bodil, and Preston*

Q.) Do you have a crush on someone?

A.) Yes I do! Well, I have two;

OC Crush: Kyle

IRL Crush: Can't say his name but he is definitely a good person. He has a crush on me ever since the school year began, which was last year.

Q.) Did you rage? If yes, how many times?

A.) Nope. Not today sucker!

Q.) How would you describe the word "smut"?

A.) Well I have a few descriptions. Sometimes I forget what the word means due to short-term memory:

1: An innapropriate word used for male X male shippings/stories

And....that's it. I guess I have to tag other people now huh? I'm gonna feel so sorry for you guys. I'm gonna do 12 ppl just because of Death The Kid.


Here are my questions for you people's:

1.) What insane Youtuber is your favorite?

2.) Have you ever been to Mackinac City?

3.) Is The Pack awesome?!

4.) What would you do if people from school started disappearing?

5.) What do you think of me?

6.) What is your favorite song?

7.) Would you like to be my friend?

8.) Which would you be; Inu (dog hybrid) or a Neko (cat hybrid)?

9.) What is your favorite book on my account?

10.) What is your favorite book out of all of the Wattpad accounts you are following?

And there ya go! I love doing this for you guys, and I hope you keep supporting me my special readers. See ya next time!


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