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Notice: this chapter has a different format (as in no texting this chapter)

Rick ran out from his house to find Jessie, his hair was slightly messy and he was frantic for his son could become a killer in a matter of minutes. Rick shakes his head and runs down the empty road.

Rick always thought Alexandria looked empty when something bad was happening. Rick approaches Jessie's house and takes a deep breath before opening the door.

Rick sees a blood spot on the floor, then another, and another, a trail. Rick's hands start to shake as he follows the trail up the stairs.

Rick trembles with each step, he wasn't even sure if he could do anything to help the Andersons because he was so scared himself. The blood spots start to turn into puddles. Rick blinks heavily, as if that would make all the blood disappear.

Rick steps into the room where a blood puddle sat at the doorway. Rick almost fell back as he stared at what his own son did.

The blood kept oozing out of poor Jessie. Her stomach was not where it should be, her hand thrown across the room, a hole where her heart should be, a knife stuck in her throat and the worst part, her eyes were still open. She gurgled. Jessie was to become a walker soon.

Rick slowly collected himself and found the strength to plunge his knife into her head. Rick didn't even hear the whimpering from the corner of the room. As Rick turned around, he saw him, his own son, curled up into a ball in the corner of the room. His knees were up to his chest and his arms crossed over them, his hat covered his face but you could still hear him crying.

"Carl," Rick began, the tears starting to form in his own eyes. "Carl," he repeated. Carl didn't move but the tears slowed down, but Rick heard the occasional sniffle. "Carl, why did you do this?" Rick asked.

"I didn't." Carl whispered. Ricks brows furrowed at the words.

"If you didn't, who did?" Rick says, his voice cracking halfway through the sentence. Even though there might be a mass murderer hiding behind the walls, Rick was relieved to know his son didn't do such a thing to Jessie.

"I don't know." Carl said with a sniffle.

Rick bent down to comfort his son. Carl came out of his ball and lunged at his dad. Rick was surprised by the sudden hug. Over the course of when Rick had gotten the phones, he had felt as he and his son had grown farther apart.

Carl squeezed his dad as much as he was able to, he was scared. Scared of who did this. He could never do this to anyone, even Ron. It just wasn't human. Carl clung to his dad even when Rick tried to pull away from the hug. One last tear escaped from Carl's eye as he saw the damage done to Jessie. Maybe Carl was going to kill Jessie himself, but he wouldn't have done it like this, not this way.

The Grimes got up from the floor and didn't look back when they left the room. "Carl, you didn't kill Ron, did you?" Rick asks as they step out from the house.

"No, and I don't think I can dad." Carl stood in front of Rick. "Not after what I've seen, I don't think I can ever kill again.". Rick nodded and pulled his son into another long lasting hug.

And while Rick and Carl were hugging, they didn't even think about the youngest of the Grimes. Judith.

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