{seventy eight}

17 1 0

Please note this chapter has a different format

Daryl's eyes opened slowly. He saw Carl awake beside him. They were in the back of a truck. The ride was bumpy and the sun was going down slowly. Carl noticed the ropes around his hands and feet. Click! The sound of gun echoed through Daryl's ears as the cold metal was pushed to his temple. He sighed and looked at the owner of the gun. It wasn't the man Carl had run into, not the man who looked like a serial-killer. But a man with kind face, at least it looked kind before he spit at the teenager.

The man patted the side of the truck and it screeched to a halt. The boys jolting forward. The passenger seat door opened quickly. He jumped out of the vehicle. "Good evening fellas." He seethed through gritted teeth.

Neither of them knew who this was, though Rick did. Neither of them had seen the big W on the man's forehead before.

"We've been watching you. Carl, and what's his name again?"

"Daryl." The man with the gun at the rednecks head stated.

"Daryl. I'm Kevin, but you call me..." His sentence trailed off. He saw Carl's eye had narrowed. "Listen Carl, if you even speak to me I will throw a baseball at your good eye so show me some respect." He snapped. Though Carl's demeanor didn't change. He was less than satisfied.

And so he rose his fist and punched the adolescent. Daryl tried to strike the man back but he was knocked out by the man with gun at his head. "Don't think that you wouldn't face the consequences just because you're a kid" Kevin stifled a laugh.

"Go to hell." Carl shouted.


The thoughts in ricks mind were driving him crazy. Everything he had done for Carl and Daryl was gone (but not forgotten).

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