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Different format this chapter cuz Daryl is one year older now in the book !!

Daryl was tired after spending five hours of his day (from 11:00am to 4:00pm) babysitting the babies of Alexandria. Daryl was especially tired because he's doesn't like kids. The man rubbed his eyes and patted down his hair with his hand. He hadn't seen Rick since he told him he was going on a run this morning with pretty much everyone except Maggie, Mikey, Carl, Charlotte, Dean, and Norman.

Daryl decided he would make spaghetti dinner for Rick when he got home and pick out a movie for them to watch together, preferably E.T., which was Ricks all time favorite.

He walked up to the nose he shared with Rick, Michonne and Judith. He opened the door and found his house dark. Daryl switched on the lights and was taken aback by the surprise. Everyone popped up, smiling and screaming "happy birthday".

Daryl felt the corners of his lips tug up. Nobody had ever told Daryl happy birthday. He never told anyone his birthday let alone Rick. He was beyond thrilled. Maybe he wasn't the odd one out anymore, maybe these people really did care for them. And for the first time in awhile, Daryl began to smile.

"Today is my birthday?" Are he words that fell from daryls lips, he had said them in a kind manner but felt silly for saying so. He felt as if he should, say thank you.

"Yeah, and you deserve a good day more than anyone here!" Rick said. His voice was soft and quiet. He really was such a smol bean whenever around Daryl.

"Happy birth day to the best redneck ever!" Carl cheered and chuckles floated around the room.

Rick walked up to Daryl who still stood in the doorway. He placed his arms around the other man, engulfing him in a hug. Daryl hugged back, embracing the moment. Rick felt the other man bury his head in his shoulder and let out a sigh of relief. Rick loved him so much and he wanted more than anything for Daryl to be happy.

The men pulled apart from their hug and looked around the room at the people who had become their family.

In only a matter of twenty minutes the party got real, everyone was having a good time. There was a short stash of beer and even a cake. There were balloons and streamers and Daryl recieve do gifts.

Glenn handed Daryl his present. It was wrapped and it didn't come with a card. It was rally from the whole Greene-Rhee family. They had spent hours upon hours making the gift. Maggie had sewn it, Glenn had found the materials on a run. Mikey even helped. A brand new, leather, vest. Not only did it have wings like the old one, but it also had a halo. There were words below the wings which read: Sometimes angels aren't what they looked like.

Daryl laughed and thanked the family for his gift.

Carl had walked over to Daryl as well, the young boy had his arm around Charlotte who seemed the be enjoying the moment. The two handed Daryl their gift to him. Charlotte had written and made the card and Carl had made it. A new headlight for his motorcycle.

Carol had given Daryl a tub of cookies and from Dean and rosters he received sausage. Daryls to favorite foods.

Michonne had presented Daryl a gift that took her a couple days to make. Handmade. A fresh set of arrows. Daryl grinned at the sight. He had been needing more lately. The man gave Michonne a gracious hug and set down the arrows next to all the other gifts.

Rick had sweaty hands, he was nervous. He hadn't given Daryl his gift yet, he was the last one. The party would be ending soon and Rick wanted to give Daryl his special present before it ended. Rick ate more cake than he should've from the anxiety. He bit his lip and looked at his boyfriend. Rick ran a shaky hand through his hair and let out a deep breath.

People had gathering in the living room for a special announcement from Rick. The room was stuffy and squished from the amount of people. Dean and Rosita leaned against the wall while there was no more space on the couch and in the chairs.

Rick entering the room slowly, looking at the group of people. The people he had survived with. The people he would die with. Rick gaze at Daryl, loving the way he smiled.

Daryl sat in a chair, looking at Rick. He smiled at the sight of him. He wanted to do so much for him, make his smile, make him laugh, give him a life worth living. And he didn't know it, but he had succeeded.

Rick stood before the man he loved. And, standing In front of everyone he did it. He got down on one knee and pulled the small box from his pocket. Daryls pupils dilated and his lips parted. Rick opened the box, revealing the jewelry. A ring. The same kind of ring a male would wear to get married in real life, except it was special because it was in the apocalypse, and because it was for Daryl.

"Daryl, will you marry me?"


And Rick quickly put the ring on his finger and they stood up. They have a quick kiss, only quick because it felt weird to do it in front of everyone. And they held each other hands.

Carl had his mouth wide open. Dean and Sam didn't really know too much about them so they agreed it was cute. Michonne smiled, she was happy for them. Glenn and Maggie, looked at each other, they were glad they weren't the only ones that had the apocalypse bring them together. Mikey was more than surprised. Carol knew she would have to make cookies for the wedding. Sasha felt herself smiling. Negan was even there, he was eating vegan food while it happened. Norman was baffled, he thought they were definitely going to break up.

But it was Charlotte, who knew all along. For she had to find the perfect ring at ricks request to stay at the paradise known as Alexandria.

And as the sun set and everyone went home, the two men smiled in each other's arms as the went to sleep, it had been a long and eventful day, but a day they will remember for the rest of their lives.

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