
128 12 2

New message
From: Carl
To: pool noodle. Ron

Carl: wtf is wrong with you

Pool noodle: ...

Carl: why would you do that????? Embarrass me and Enid like that? What's your problem???????

Pool noodle: I just felt like it bruh

Carl: you better give me a better reason than that or I won't hesitate to kill you

Pool noodle: it was just a joke man chill out

Carl: chill out chill out chill out what the frock is your problem man.

Carl: Enid and i's relationship is on the line

Pool noodle: it was just a joke

Carl: yeah well think before you act

Carl: we're not friends man, get lost, go kill yourself

Pool noodle: your gonna regret saying that

Carl: no I'm not, I thought before I acted and Im positive.

Pool noodle: I hate you

Error Carl has blocked your number.

Pool noodle: oh come on

Carl has unblocked you

Carl: it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt

Carl has blocked your number

Pool noodle: wtf dude

Error Carl has blocked your number

Pool noodle: f you man

Error Carl has blocked your number

Pool noodle: I was just kidding


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