=thirty six=

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Maggie sent a message to the group chat

Maggie: Glenn, Hershey and I are coming over, we're bringing all our weapons and some food

Enid: ok come on in

Rick: I'm here with food, water, batteries, blankets, first aid kits, towels, flashlights, pillows, pajamas, clothes and weapons

Glenn: yeesuz Rick, you basically brought your house over

Enid: can someone help me cover the Windows??

Daryl: yeah I can help with tat

Jesus: me too, I'll get all the upstairs Windows

Tara: I can't come, I'm on a run

Michonne: I'm here to see my bby Carl

Maggie: where can I put Hershey??

Enid: we can all be in the living room together

Maggie: ok

Glenn: where is Carl?

Michonne: he's in his room

Jesus: all the upstairs Windows are covered except for the ones in Carl's room

Daryl: come here boo, cuddle with meh

Jesus: ok little cookie :)

Daryl: ;)

Tara: get a room you two

Rick: right, we need to bait Ron

Enid: yeah, I'll text him, I'll tell him that I really love him, that we can trade Carl for Judith bc I don't like Carl anymore ???

Glenn: sounds good, just, don't make it sound cheesy, Kay?

Enid: ok

Maggie: I'm eating food

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