Finally Moving On

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"Petrova?" Elena questions as she looks between me and Damon. "Katerina or Katherine as you guys know her by, came from Europe.

I walk over and hop in my car. It's a sleek black Dodge Challenger with a pink stripe going across the car.

I pull up next to their SUV as Alaric gets in the drivers seat, Damon's in the passenger seat and Elena is in the back seat.

Damon looked at my car in awe "I like the car" Damon's comments.

"Where's the love at" I joke

"It went out the window when I saw the pink stripe" Damon just shakes his head when he said pink stripe.

"Come on Damon you have to embrace your woman side" I laugh and Alaric races off on Damon's command. I race off right after him.

We drove back to where ever damon and his friends live. I could tell Damon was upset and I think it was because of Elena being mad at him but I'm not sure what she was mad about. I also heard their little conversation about Damon asking if they were and could stool be friends. He told her he didn't want to lose her.

"Damon listen to me but don't let the others know. I'm sure Elena will forgive but just give it time. I know it hurts but just be you and she either learns to accept you or can't and loses someone who can turn out to be a great friend" I could practically feel him smile.

After about 2 hours of driving "This is going to sound really childish, but are we there yet" I whined playfully and I heard Damon chuckle. "A few more minutes until we reach our destination. Mystic Falls" he says and it's as if someone knocks the air out of me when he says 'Mystic Falls'. I haven't been back here since I was turned.

Too many memories some good most bad. The worst of them is when the person I thought I had loved turned out to fall for my sister.

I blinked back the tears that we're threatening to spill as I followed the SUV to a house that was in town mixed in with a bunch of other houses.

It was nighttime when we pulled up to a house. My guess was it wasnt Damon's house because it was way to bright for his personality. Granted Damon has a great personality but the house didn't seem to fit his style.

I stayed in the car as I let Damon and Elena have their own time. I didn't worry about packing a bag because I always had a bag packed and in the trunk of my car, just in case I needed to flee. You'll be surprised how many people want me dead at least the ones that know of my existence. Most of the people that want me dead are the witches from back when I was a newly turned vampire and they knew of me being a hybrid.

I'm apparently an abomination of nature. So that's why I don't ever tell or show anyone what I am. If they ask I simply say I'm a vampire.

I caught the tail end of their conversation "Damon the answer to your question of our friendship is, yes... You have lost me forever"

"You used me today" Damon sounded hurt.

"You had information about Katherine I needed" she said like she didn't even care she hurt him.

"You know you and Katherine are more alike than you think" with that I stopped listening because he walked away from Elena.

I'm starting not to like her. She reminds me of Tatia and Katerina. They never loved anyone they just wanted to have fun and use people. I don't understand why anyone can see that. It's like they get swept up in their beauty that they can't see clearly.

Damon came out looking upset and mad. I waved him over "Come on I know will cheer you up or at least get your mind off of it" I paused and looked over to him "hey don't let her bother you. You just continue being you and just remember I'm here for you. So on happier note where's the nearest bar because I need a drink or multiple drinks" I looked over and smirked as Damon smirked. I started up the car and sped to the nearest bar.

Damon pointed out where the bar was. We arrived at the bar called 'Mystic Grill'. We walked in side by side.

We both took a seat at the bar and a young man with blonde hair came up to us. He smiled at me but frowned once he saw Damon. "Are you here with him willingly" the blonde haired boy questioned concern evident in his voice. I looked to Damon as if asking, was he kidding. Damon jut shook his head.

I looked down to the blonde haired boys name tag and it read Matt. "Matt I'm here willingly and believe it or not I'm an old friend of Damon's"

He scoffed but I defended Damon "But it's true. Can I have a Bourbon please and one for my old friend too please"

Matt grabbed two Bourbon's. He handed Damon's his roughly while he handed me mine gently followed by a wink. He flashed me a smile. Damon scoffed as he took a sip of of his Bourbon. I smiled back. I'm not that mean I wasn't going to shoot him down by saying my heart belongs to someone who doesn't even love me back.

About 10 drinks later... I think... I lost track.

"Yoo hoo lover boy can I get a refill" Damon whistled as he finished his drink. I punched him in the arm. He grabbed the spot I punched "Ouch. I forgot how well you could pack a punch" I chuckled after his response.

Matt came back over to fill up Damon's glass again. I put my hand over his glass before matt started pouring the Bourbon. "That's enough I'm going to have a hard enough time getting him home. But thank you for putting up with him tonight, Matt" I gesture towards Damon who looks mad that I stopped him from having another drink. Matt just gave me a smile as he placed the bottle of Bourbon back on the shelf.

"Come on Damon let's go. You've drank enough to drown both of our sorrows" he walked out towards the door "Bye Matt. See you around" I called out.

I went out to my car. I heard Matt call my name but I just continued and acted as if I didn't hear him.

I drove me and Damon to Damon's house. I had the least amount to drink out of the two of us.

Damon told me how to get to his house when he wasn't moping over Elena.

When we arrived, I brought Damon up to his room and laid him in his bed. He passed out in the car.

I didn't have any PJ's in the suitcase I had packed. I went through Damon's drawer and grabbed one of his black t-shirts. I also grabbed a pair of black athletic shorts from my bag. Those were my PJ's for the night. I will go out tomorrow and buy some more clothes because I intend on staying here for awhile.

I couldn't find the guest bedroom so just laid on Damon's bed on the opposite side he was on.

I had a hard time falling asleep. All I could think about was the Mikealsons. I needed to move on mentally and emotionally. I'm never going to see any of them again. I'm never going to see him again.

I now know that I need to move on and live my life. I have finally realized how much of my life has been wasted looking for the Mikealsons. When I was with Damon 10 years ago, I never thought of the Mikealsons in those two years. I think it's time for me to let go.

With those thought settling in my head I went to sleep peacefully knowing I was finally moving on.

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