3. Unwelcome Company

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"Josette," he says weakly.

"The name's Avery now."

Out of nowhere, Castiel gets some fight in him. He must be using his weak state as a fake-out. Impressive. When he strikes, he makes little cuts. Little ones that sting like a bitch. When it comes to our power, we're an even match.

When I'm tossed away, bleeding and coughing, Alex decides to join the fight on my behalf. The idiot.

As I get to all fours, I watch Alex fight Castiel. How he's still faster than me, how powerful his punches seem when Castiel absorbs them. The angel doesn't have an issue with fighting Alex, he's more than happy, it seems, to let the angel blade cut into the demon. I'm on my feet, seeing some of my cuts starting to heal on my arms.

But this is my fight, not Alex's. He shouldn't be doing this. I feel that even more so when I see the angel blade run through Alex's stomach. He doesn't short out. I start to run for him, to save his ass before he gets himself killed—

I'm too late.

Castiel takes Alex's stun to his advantage. Placing a hand on the demon's forehead, Alex is smited in a bright light.

And I scream in outrage.

The anger in me is a ferocious dragon now, more than determined to kill Castiel where he stands. As Alex's body drops to the ground, I make sure to get Castiel on his knees with the most severe pain in the head I can possibly give him. It's enough to make him cry out. One knee is down as I slowly walk towards him.

"I was better off without you," I sneer as Castiel gets onto both knees now. "You just can't let me go." I stand before him. He's looking up at me, blue eyes full of pain, body trembling. I knock the angel blade out of his hand, and using my foot, kick it up into my own. "You're a fool, Castiel, thinking that you could barge in here and try and pull me out of this. You can pull the darkness from the girl, but you can't pull the girl from the darkness."


"Shh." I raise the angel blade, aiming it right at his heart. "Don't speak. I'll make it quick, I promise." I touch Castiel's stubbled cheek, see the lost look in his eyes.

"Josette...please." He grips one of my arms desperately. "You don't want to do this."

I quirk my mouth. "Yeah, I do."

"We let you down, we know that. We want you home."

I snort. "My home isn't with you."

"It is. It's always been with us. And you know that. You don't want to do this. If you did...I would be dead by now."

Do it. He wronged you. He's the first to go. Your brothers will follow. I'm prepared to bring the blade down on Castiel, but my arm won't comply. No magic is holding it there, it's doing that on its own. I don't understand...

With what strength he has, Castiel pulls on my arm, jerking me down towards him. When his hand touches the side of my head, I scream in pain. He's not hurting me, he's pulling memories I've long stored away since leaving the bunker. Memories of Sam and Dean. Of Cas. Of the good times. The times that no longer mean anything the day I decided to change my name, change who I was.

"You never forgot who you were," Cas grunts. "You just buried those memories."

I find myself dropping the angel blade. No. I refuse to let him win. Snarling, I try to shove Castiel away, but my mind is winning me over. I see flashes, flashes severe enough to have me close my eyes.

Legacy (Supernatural) [Rogue Trilogy] {3}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora