chapter 22 - That's who she is

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Alice’s POV

“Alice, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know what was going on. Please come home so we can talk about this. I love you so much. I don’t want to lose you again.” Justin said through a voicemail. I was devastated, heartbroken. Never would I ever think that Justin would do this to me.

“so are you going to tell me what’s going on?” my aunt said as we entered forever 21.

“I’m pretty sure Justin cheated on me…” not looking away from the floor once. Before she had the chance to say something, I went crazy in the store and ended up buying may too many things. I continued doing that store after store. Not even thinking about the crazy credit card bill I’d receive later.

 Walking back and forth at Oxford Street made me a little happier, it didn’t make me forget as much as I wanted to but it didn’t give me the time to think about him and what he had done.

My aunt and I decided to go out clubbing tonight and have a girls night out, maybe even ask Eleanor if she wanted to join us. I know that Perrie was going away so I didn’t bother asking her.  

We headed back to the hotel, both of us carrying a huge amount of bags each. Most of them were mine but my aunt offered to carry some of mine as well since I obviously don’t have more than 2 hands.

Stepping inside the lobby again made me realize that I’d have to face Justin any minute. But I decided that I was going to walk straight in to the bathroom, take a shower and go on from there. I said goodbye to my aunt, as we decided to meet up again in an hour and a half as we were supposed to meet up with Eleanor in two hours.

I put my card in the door and received a blipping sound and a green light. I don’t know if Justin had been sitting in the hallway or if we ran to the as soon as I stuck my card in the lock.

“Alice please listen to me…” I continued walking, not meeting his eyes once because if I did I’d give in. “Alice stop! I didn’t mean to do it; I don’t even know what I did. I was drunk and I…” I cut him off by closing the bathroom door. A little harsh I must say but I don’t want to be that girl, I don’t want to be all happy right now.

The shower gave me some time to think, I took a deep breath and left my comfort zone. I walked out of the bathroom wearing nothing but my underwear. I forgot my bathrobe in our bedroom so I had to go back in there and get it. As soon as I entered the bedroom I saw Justin sitting on the bed, His eyes all puffy and red. I tried to ignore that as much as possible. I grabbed my bag from Forever 21 and searched until I found a pink cut out dress. I grabbed my studded Jeffery Campbell shoes in the closet as well as my makeup and curling iron.

Locking the door to the bathroom and turning on the music as loud as my phone allowed me to, singing my heart out as I tried to cover up the dark rings underneath my eyes.

Really working on my base to my makeup and tried to cover up any evidence of me crying. Finally receiving an almost flawless finish, I blow dried my hair, leaving it big and straight for now. Staring with my eyes, going crazy with the eye shadow creating a dark smoky eye, putting on some fake lashes and putting a nude/light pink lipstick to make my lips look bigger and that finished of my makeup. I quickly curled my hair, dragging my fingers through the curls until it looked perfect.

Stepping into my dress, zipping it up and fixed everything. I looked good actually.

Snapping some pictures, picking the best one and uploaded on twitter and instagram. I left the bathroom and met Justin once again, His eyes literally burning into me.

“I’m going out…” I said, grabbing my purse and slamming the door before he could say something.

Justin’s POV

She hated me. I’d hurt her, she’s never forgive me. She wouldn’t even listen to me and now she’s going out and I know she will get as drunk as she possibly can because that’s what she does to forget, she drinks until her mind can’t bother her anymore and when it cant, she keeps going until she doesn’t remember a thing. That’s who she is.

“please be careful, call me if you need anything!” I type into my phone and send it to Alice, doubting she’ll answer.

It was now 2 am, I couldn’t sleep without her by my side and knowing that she’s out there probably drunk out of her mind doesn’t make it easier. I decide to call her…

“Hello?” she answers, giggling.

“Hey, are you alright?” I ask

“Yeah, I feel amazing!” she said through her hiccups

“when will you get back?”

“Now, later, maybe never.” She said teasingly. This was a game to her right now.

“Alice, I’m serious. I’m worried about you.”

“Oh Justin, you sound like such a good boyfriend. Too bad you’re not as good as it sounds. I knew it was too good to be true and the funniest thing is that I might be heart broken, but I’m alright!” I could hear her giggle again and her name being called by some dude in the background. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!

“Alice where the fuck are you?!”

“Why so serious babe? I’m just having a little fun without you and you’re going all crazy! Get over yourself…” and with that she hung up.

I quickly found Louis number on my phone asking him if he knew where the girls were going. Luckily he did and I rushed out of our apartment and down to the nightclub a few blocks away. Luckily I’ve visited every nightclub worth visiting around here and I can easily find the way over there. I didn’t have any problems getting in, but finding the girls would be much harder.

I see Alice’s long blonde hair through the crowd; she’s swinging her hips side to side together with Eleanor and a guy… He’s slowly stepping closer to her putting her arm around her waist. I can see her getting uncomfortable and she’s trying to get out of his grip.

My blood is literally boiling and I don’t care what’s happening next.

“Justin, What the fuck!? NO!” I heard Alice yell as I punched the guy as hard as I could over and over.

“DON’T EVER PUT YOUR FILTHY HANDS ON MY GIRLFRIEND AGAIN!” I yell as I punch him one last time.

I grabbed Alice’s arm and pulled her out of the crowd, only for her to start yelling at me as she lit a cigarette on fire.

“Why did you do that? How did you find me? Are you fucking insane!?!” question after question kept coming out of her mouth as she lit another cigarette on fire.

“I did it because I love you… only you!” I yelled back.

I don't want to lose you again. (Justin Bieber fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now