Dazzled, Dazed

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Dazzled and dazed at last,
he may not yet be done but
dandelion's in trouble.

Hot sun effulges,
over devastation of wind and rain;

and big rain-beads on the lounger skeleton
are a line of blinding crystal lenses.

Last night I lay in sad communication -
delusion pursuant to third party news
that finally you see your way to pay
just some of what you owe to my account.

My poems are leaping from collections:
you seem to feature every-bloody-where,
scheduled to appear in midwife uniform
to straddle me this point in chapter five.

A spider-haunted Janus I become,
one face back to you
the other burning in this Indian sun.

Oh, drape me deep in dazzle-dazes.

A long clear falling pee-ow cry. It is! It is
a buzzard circling, fringe-winged, overhead.

What silence that shrill utterance falls upon:
how all the twitters and the tweets shut up;
and for that moment I forget
my plot and thread.

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