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The tall wraiths of the fifth-month waves of our breaking,
this eighth-month summer's mackerel-suncloud close,
are taller by far than my petty stature
and between them, their skirts gathered in completely,
reveal a scoured mud, silver-flicked with gasping fishes.

Unending cavalry of insubstantiality proceeding slowly
in chaotic rhythms that I cannot plot to brace myself.

Over my head, I am over my head,
spun head-over-heels again in love with you;
and on the bitter plains of gasping scale
I have scoured you from me with a raw disgust
and pick the bits of steel-scrub from my full-drained sink.

They say you cannot ride two horses, reins wound round your arms, forever.
They will tear you apart in the end,
as will the momentum of these colossal, funereal dressagers.

Ah! But what a ride:
I have a mind to fight the invulnerable tide.


'And fought with the invulnerable tide' is the last line of 'Cuchulain's Fight with the Sea' by W.B.Yeats.

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