I wonder

125 29 10

Oh charming, darling, starling
and strawberry clover mine,
I wonder where you're straying,
your red lips taste white wine.

Tomorrow, once a pedestal,
is now a coconut-shy;
the past was our piano-stool
now a hang my head and cry.

Bravely does the morning
deck out its washing line;
grey clouds send us scudding
to get it in on time.

And who now chops up dinner
and lays it in the pans;
who now builds up his muscle
and looks to read the banns?

Oh charming, darling, starling
and strawberry clover mine,
I wonder where you're straying,
your red lips taste white wine.

Tomorrow, once a pedestal,
is now a coconut-shy;
the past was our piano-stool
now a hang my head and cry.

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