What Chance?

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It occurs to me we never had much chance

(getting a wet bum on the edge of a garden chair,
sky still spitting rain,
the cross dog's 'Piss-off!' yell again,
leaning on a breadboard to keep the paper dry),

that I never knew you; I
never could be sure of you,

unlike my wife,
even in separation.

Despite your text addiction,

the hundred 'love you soes'
a day (Where are my kisses? )
or because of it

never really chilling,
couldn't take my eye off the ball.

You under too much pressure
to be settled with me: leaving children,
(Mummy's fortnightly gruelling drives
to be reunited with her little brood);
commuting to your job at six a.m.,

without  the grind of other ins and outs
beyond fab sex and our fine cooking - yes

 we did have the time of a whale!

But you didn't believe in letting grass grow
under your feet -  driven, riven, shadowed,
grief-haunted, tormented.

You never let a quarrel really drop
several days after, sadness welling up
or hidden indignation
squirrelled away...

My words are smearing, the blue
emperor-purple now

like the passages of prose I need to return to,
rites of passage.

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