[10] water

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- Ross's POV -


Ross swallowed nervously. "Okay," he said.

Okward gestured for him to follow. Ross limped after Okward. He led Ross outside to the lake the hut was standing above. Okward pointed at the water. "This is what your power feeds off of. A water source. Any water source. Do you remember the story of the Arcane Seven?"

Ross nodded.

"Now, do you remember the last Seven of Water?" Okward asked.

Ross thought for a moment. "Lizzie? Yeah, I remember. She controlled the water in the workers' bodies."

Okward nodded. "Good. Lizzie was my close friend, which was strange, seeing as electricity and water do not usually mix well together. Lizzie was gentle and sweet, but also beautiful and fierce. She flew into a rage when her boyfriend was supposedly 'killed.' Lizzie became the most powerful Seven of Water ever to exist that day."

Ross looked at their reflections in the water. "I guess you want me to be as good as her for us to win."

Okward looked shocked. "What? No, Ross, I'll never expect you to live up to her standards! To get Lizzie back to our side, we'll need to find Joel, wherever he is."

"I think I can help with that," someone said.

Ross looked up and saw Max, who had apparently followed them outside.

Max shuffled his feet. "My old friend, Tim, he's part of the Evil. He told me, 'As long as Joel remains lost in the basement, we'll win.'"

Okward smiled. "He unknowingly gave us the location of Joel. Although the hint was rather unclear, I have studied the Evil's HQ's complex for months. This is perfect."

"What does he mean by that?" Max asked.

"Lizzie thinks Joel's dead. As long as that thought remains, she'll stay on the side of the Evil. She hates Joel for 'dying on her,' and Lord Aphmau used that against her," Okward explained.

"Okay, and how is that bad? Just another target to take down, right?" Max asked.

Okward looked impassive as he said, "Elizabeth Dwyer is not just another target to take down. She is the most powerful Seven of Water to ever be beheld."

Max looked even more confused.

Ross facepalmed. "Max, you remember what happened after Joel was 'killed?'" He made air quotes as he said, "killed."

Max nodded, still looking confused.

"No other Seven of Water was able to control the liquid in a person's body like that."

"Oh." Max scratched the back of his head.

"Alright, now Ross, I don't expect you to do something as insane as that. First, you are going to have to learn how to manipulate water. You have to focus. Imagine the water lifting up as your hand raises. Go ahead, try it."

Ross focused. He imagined a layer of the lake in front of him lifting as he slowly raised his hand. Ross felt a tug in his gut as he lifted. A thick layer of water floated in the air. His arm felt heavier.

Okward nodded in approval. "Perfect. I want you to practice forming shapes with the water and manipulating it throughout the week. Now, can you make it so the water becomes solid and can be used as a platform? Try it. Imagine that water that you just lifted compressing until it replicates a solid surface."

Ross lifted his other hand. He imagined all the molecules squeezing together. The water darkened as it took on an almost solid shape. Okward jumped up and landed on the platform. Ross cried out as it became harder to concentrate. The platform wobbled. He steadied himself.

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