[11] fire and air

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- Max's POV -


Okward planted the dummy into the ground. Its chest was painted with a bullseye.

"Now, Max," he said, "you are very special. Not only are you a Seven of Fire, but you are one of the first to have a bow as your weapon. The past Sevens of Fire all have summoned hammers on their first try. Barbaric, I know," he added. 

"Later, you can practice shooting targets, but for now, practice aiming your fire. Shoot a stream of fire and hit this dummy."

Max focused. He focused all of his anger for the world, for his dead parents, for his adoptive family, for Tim, for the Evil, and used it to create a bright flame. He held out his hands. A fiery bolt flew out, a deadlier version of his arrows.

Okward ducked, the tip of his hair steaming. He looked behind him, where the bolt had created a hole in a rock.

He shrugged. "Good enough. You'll need to practice your aim."

He then seemed to ponder something. "I wonder... do you think you are ready to try something that might possibly overexert you."

"What is it?" Max asked.

"As a Seven of Fire, you have a special elemental power. It is a basic skill for ones like Cory, but will be trickier for others. Over time, Ross, Nick, maybe even Sky, will be able to do this, as well. You will melt into your element and can disguise yourself, or, if you're like Cory, can travel through it."

He lit another fire with his flint and steel. "Just in case," Okward said.

"Now, imagine your body melting, becoming one with the flames. FInd your soul, deep, deep down, and merge it with the fire in front of you."

Max focused. He imagined his red hair becoming redder, his brown eyes turning to a fiery amber, and his skin melting into the fire before him.

He closed his eyes. 

When Max heard Shelby and Ross clapping, he opened them again.

It was weird seeing through a fire's nonexistent eyes. It was surrounded by smoke. Max couldn't feel his body. He could only smell and taste smoke. Let's just say this: if fire owned a restaurant that specialized in platters of smoked biscuits, he'd give the restaurant zero ratings.

He could hear Okward's voice, but it was muffled, as if Max was underwater.

"Good, Max. Imagine your body reforming into your normal self. Focus on every detail, and detatch your soul from the flames."

Max closed his eyes again. This time when he opened them, he was back on his feet, standing in front of Shelby and Ross. They applauded again. 

Max grinned and bowed.

Okward clapped along. "Impressive for your first day."

He turned to Shelby. "Shelby, can you get Sky? Bring him out here."

Okward turned back to Ross and Max. "You two are welcome to head back inside, if you would like."

Max thought of someone he needed to talk to. Two people, actually. "I'll go inside. See you later."

As he walked in, he passed Shelby and Sky. The latter gave him a mini salute and a grin.

Max saluted back.

He walked over to where Shelby used to be asleep, mentally steeling himself for the conversation he was about to have.


- Sky's POV -

The fun started when Shelby walked in and said, "Okward wants you."

He got up from his spot against the wall, leaving Jin to study his spellbook. Sky grabbed his sword from the wall and sheathed it, just in case.

He and Shelby passed Max as they walked out. Sky gave Max a mini salute, something he used to give Jin before their nightly adventures.

Max grinned and saluted back.

Just like Jin.

Sky walked out and saw Ross waiting with Okward. 

"Hello, Sky. It is your turn to master the air element," Okward said. "You can do many things with air. You can use the winds to help you levitate, you can lift someone off the ground, and you can drop the air pressure in an area, knocking enemies unconscious."

"We will start with the easiest of those. Imagine an invisible force lifting you up. That invisible force is the wind, carrying you wherever you please."

Sky closed his eyes. He imagined what Okward told him and opened his eyes again. He commanded the winds to lift him up and into the air. 

Sky flew.

Okward nodded. "Good, Sky. You will find that using your power to fly will be very easy. It will come to you on instinct."

He gestured to a training dummy. "Now, I want you to lift this dummy off of the ground and into the air. Keep in mind, however, that the heavier the object, or the stronger the anchor of the object is to the ground, the harder it will be to lift it."

Sky nodded, reaching out his hand. The dummy detached itself from the earth and rose into the air.

Shelby and Ross clapped. "Impressive," Shelby said.

Okward smiled. "Very. That is all for today, Sky. Remember to practice during the week. You are welcome to head on back inside. In fact, I think we should all head on back. It's getting late."

Sky, Shelby, and Ross followed Okward back into the hut. Max, Cory, and Nick were talking and laughing, a drastic change from their first encounter. Jin was still engrossed in his spellbook.

Geez, how long is that book? Sky thought. 

Okward cleared his throat. Everybody looked up at him. "Well done to those who trained today. Tomorrow, I will work with more of you. The day after, Sky and I will help you learn how to fight properly with weapons. The next, we shall help you learn how to take advantage of your surroundings. But, for now, we will rest, and get ready for a new day."

Sky stretched. "Got anything to eat? Using my powers made me really hungry."

Okward nodded. "Of course, I'll bring something out."

Okward left and came back with some sandwiches. Everyone took one, except for the ones who had practiced using their powers, who had taken two.

Sky yawned. "I'm going to hit the hay. Night."

He fell asleep, the other's slowly following him into the land of dreams.

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