Chapter 5 - London, the big city (part 1)

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I woke up to somebody shaking me. 'Wake up Phil!'

'Ten more minutes,' I groaned in reply, cuddling into the duvet.

'Phil, we are going to London, wake up!' Dan moaned. 'Come on, go have a shower. I already had one!'

'Ugh,' i emerged from the covers, seeing Dan in just a towel, which was down quite low on his waist. I couldn't help but look. He had the perfect body, which matched his perfect face.

I stood up quickly, and ran back into my room then I had a shower quickly before changing into some black tight jeans and my grey 'Muse' t-shirt. I then proceeded to straighten my hair, and put on some black vans. I hadn't made myself look decent since I got to England, so I decided today should be the day. I checked my Facebook, only a few messages, I replied back saying I could not speak much due to being in London with Dan. Truth is, I could, I had my phone which always gets Internet anywhere, but I feel like trying to make a fresh start. I don't want to be constantly thinking about my old life, when I'm not going to be back there for a while.

I walked out my room, and saw Dan already halfway down the sets of stairs, he was humming to himself, happily. He wore similar tight black jeans, a space t-shirt and spiky shoes. He turned up to me, causing me to shiver, his hair was natural and curly.

'Come on, I didn't have enough time to do my hair, which is a tough thing. So excuse my hair for today!' He chuckled, as we grabbed a breakfast bar each.

'It looks nice natural.' I replied, in the least gay way, but I was beginning to doubt myself. As if on cue, the taxi beeped, signalising for us to go. It was driving us straight into London Town centre. Dan had planned out the day, I just had to follow.

'Where are we going first?' I asked, as we sat in the taxi.

'I think I might take you to the natural history museum, it's got dinosaurs and stuffed animals!' He sounded genuinely excited, making me smile slightly uncontrollably. He seemed to be easily excited, which was beyond cute.

-(time skip, two hours)

We had been walking around London for two hours, and only just reached the natural history museum, Dan thought he knew the way, but led us to the other side of London instead. We walked in, as we talked about different things.

'Do you watch any television at all?' Dan smiled.

'No, we don't really get good shows, I have always wanted to see sherlock, oh and I do watch supernatural actually!'

'Sherlock is amazing! We will have a day where we just watch that, and supernatural is so good! I have the whole box set up to date!' Dan chimed.

'Oh man, we need a night where we just watch loads of tv shows.' I replied.

'Sounds amazing.' Dan smiled, as we reached the dinosaur section,

'DAN DAN! LOOK AT THIS!' I cried, pulling on Dan to look at something,

'What the fuck, he has cuts all up his arm!' Someone shouted, pointing over at us, causing the majority of people to go silent. 'He is an emo!'

I looked around, seeing a group of thugs all pointing at him.

'Dan?' I mumbled,

'Go away..' He moaned, running out of the dinosaur section.

'Sorry, did I ruin your little date, faggot!' The boy spoke again, I ignored him walking calmly after Dan, he would have gone to the toilets. No?

Where was he?

I spent about half an hour running around the place looking in various toilets, but he wasn't anywhere inside.

Think, where would he go?

Outside, on a bench! I ran outside the museum, and as I guessed, he was sitting down, in a bench, staring down at his phone. I waddled over quickly and sat next to him.

'Are you okay?' I mumbled after a few minutes.

'Yeh.' He replied, groaning, 'I just didn't want you to notice them, scars.'

'Don't worry, I have some of my own.' I whispered, rolling up my top, revealing some cuts. Then rolling up my sleeves, showing the rest. Within seconds, Dan was crying into my shoulder.

'I just want my life to be normal, but no. Everything is fucked up!'

'How?' I whispered, rubbing his back.

'I- you- we have people staying in our house constantly, I feel like I don't want to speak to them, be used they will just leave. It's like losing a brother or a sister once a year. I hate it. You are the first I have spoken to in a while, I don't know why, you just- seem different. I used to get bullied, but I changed it around by fucking off all my old friends just to try gaining popularity, I hate the people I hang around with. I am not proud to say I have done weed. I hate life, everything I do fucks other things up. I ruin life's, I hate myself so flipping much!'

I kept silent, continuing to rub his back, comforting him quietly.

'Phil, I want to die.' He mumbled, almost inaudible.

'Dan! Never say that ever again, you are so lovely and caring, you haven't done anything horrible that I know off. Since I met you, you have been nothing but nice.'

'Thanks, Phil, I don't know what it is about you, but I feel like I can tell you anything... I have only known you a day, and it's like I have known you my whole life..'

- - -

Thanks to 'Sunshinelollypops16' for helping me out with some ideas for this chapter, you are an utter babe! :) shoutout to you!


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