"It's fine, just start the video." I pecked her lips really quick and clicked the start button, moving it slightly so it gets both Kate and I.

"Hello everyone," I smiled looking at Kate as she nervously looked down. "I know it's unexpected for me to make a video, but there's something that I want to inform you about." Kate looked over at me and I smiled at her, knowing that she's still kind of scared.

"Can I say something before you tell them?" She interrupted me, turning back to the camera. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer to me. "I don't know what I've ever done to deserve the hate I get... I understand that you may want Harry, but what I've been told is just harsh and I only thought it existed in movies." She softly spoke, and I know she's been wanting to get this out for a long time. "Please, I just want it to stop. Thank you for all that have been positive with Harry and I being together, it means a lot. But words hurt, and I've heard mean words my whole life." She closed her eyes and my finger softly rubbed her shoulder for comfort. "But these words are just cruel... And I regret reacting the ways I have and I won't talk about those," her scars... Those fucking scars. "But I'm just asking, please... No more of this nonsense hate."

"I've also wanted to talk about that," I paused and bit my lip before I said one wrong word. "I've seen what you say to her... And it doesn't just hurt her, it hurts me." I sighed and kissed the side of Kate's head, pulling her closer to me. "You all have always said you never want me to be upset, but saying that to her upsets us both... So please, just stop."

We both looked into each others eyes so tempted to kiss, but we can't on camera.

"Thank you... But back to what I was going to say," I felt my heartbeat quicken and I knew everyone was going to react probably opposite of what I would want them to. "Kate and I have been together for a little over a year now, and I am very happy. No, management did not set us up... It's just a long story on how we met that I won't get into." I knew her breath was quickening as she was just as nervous as I am about this. "But anyway, I need to tell you all something important." I grabbed Kate's hand and held it to the camera, showing the engagement ring. "We're engaged."

"I know this may hurt a lot of you, and I'm so sorry. I never meant to take Harry away from any of you." Kate added on, resting her hand on the table.

"Just listen to me, even though I'm with Kate, I still love every single one of you. Even if I haven't met you, I still love you. Without any of you, the lads and I wouldn't be where we are today. We owe it all to you, and yes, I am going to marry her," I smiled and Kate just sat there silently, letting me continue. "But you'll find a boy to who you will love with everything. One day he'll get down on one knee and take your hand, asking for marriage." Kate looked up at me, her eyes twinkling and I took my attention away from the camera to look her dead in the eyes, or noses close to touching. "Kate was just the girl that found her guy, just like you will." I said still looking at Kate. I didn't care that we were on camera, I needed to kiss her. I leaned in quickly, my lips pressing into hers, her gasping. She didnt kiss back at first, but I soon felt her smiling and moving her lips with mine.

"And trust me girls, there is a guy out there who would die for you, just give it time, and you'll find him." Kate smiled at the camera. I smiled also, knowing this video may get lots of people liking it, or people hating it.

"I love you all no matter what. Thank you for your support." And with that, I reached over and ended the video. Kate and I sat in silence for a moment until I cleared my throat. "Do you want to watch it?" I looked at her and she shook her head.

"No," she added, sucking in a deep breath. "Just go ahead and post it." I nodded and went to twitter, clicking on the button.

"Hello everyone! New video! Please watch, it's very important xx" And with that, I clicked post and set the phone down.

"You know I have to go back on tour next week, right?" I questioned.

"I know... Don't remind me." She frowned and rubbed her temples. I shook my head and looked at her.

"I have to tell you something about that actually." I smiled and she looked at me confused.


"Well, being my fiancé," God I love saying that word. 'Fiancé.' I can just imagine us in the future, me standing there and watching her as she wears a long white dress walking down the aisle, eventually meeting with me. I can imagine looking into her big brown eyes as her perfect smile gets bigger as the priest talks. I can just imagine hearing her say "I do" and then me repea--

"Harry?" Her words took me out of my thoughts, and I shook them out for now.

"You can come on tour with me."


2 chapters left :o

Oh my god it's ending so soon Dx


What do you think Kate's going to say about leaving for tour with Harry? Is she going to want to leave her friends and shit behind for a few months and go? Or stay back?

Vote and comment and maybe I'll update tomorrow? c:

Thank you guys and I love you all.

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