chapter 1 (rewrite)

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Tracy was going to meet her best friend in Santa falls, she had to leave her home town. There were to many bad memories, especially the more recent ones. She hadn't told her friend what had been going on with her boyfriend, but she will when she sees her. As she was thinking of how to tell her friend, her car broke down. Tracy was already tired as it was, her phone was dead so she couldn't call anyone. She threw the phone on the passenger seat and got out of the car. She saw a building up ahead about half a mile, if she was right. Tracy's clothes were torn and looked horrible, she left as soon as her boyfriend left her small apartment. As she neared the building she noticed a lot of bikes around it.

It must be a biker bar she thought, she also wanted to turn tail and run but she had no where to go and if she wanted to get to her friend Dylan she needed help. So Tracy used the last amount of courage she had left and walked into the building. There were women with barely any clothes on, trying to seduce the guys, some were practically having sex where they were sitting with the girls in their laps. Tracy shuddered in horror at the view of it. She slowly walked to the bar and waited until the bartender was giving the drink to another costumer. At this time she thought this was a normal bike stop for travelers because it was on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere, boy was she wrong.

Steel was serving the drinks tonight his bartender or prospect was sick with the flu, he may be the president of the club but he still pulled hes weight around just like his brothers. He noticed about an hour into the shift he was working that some girl hes never seen before walk into his clubhouse.

some of the guys also noticed her, they looked pissed why he didn't know he couldn't really see her with people in the way but knew something was wrong. Dylan his vice pres old lady since last month said she had a friend coming over sometime today and wanted him to meet her. The things he does for his best friend. As she got closer to the bar he saw why the boys were mad. Her clothes were in tatters and she looked like she had bruises all over her arms and face. He could tell she was a beautiful women under the bruises, and oddly he wanted to kill the prick that did this to her.

Tracy was sitting at the bar quietly when the bartender started to walk towards her, and asked her " what will it be miss" she slowly lifted her head and looked at him.

"oh um d-do you have a phone I could use? My car broke down and m-my phone died" she quietly asked the guy.

"Sure, my names Steel, if you need anything just ask one of the guys here. where's your car i'll have one of my boys go get it and bring it here and see whats wrong." "Oh, you dont have to ill just call a tow truck and see if my friend can pick me up." "It's no trouble and it wont cost a thing, plus we know our way around cars. Why dont you call your friend, and ill send some boys to go get it." "OK fine, its down the road about half a mile i think" she said pointing in the direction the car is. "T-Thank you, S-steel." he nodded his head and went to talk to a couple of guys.

As steel was talking, Tracy decided she was going to call Dylan to pick her up. As she was putting her number in to call, her friends name popped up as a contact with the same exact number, and she wondered why, but didn't dwell on it.

"Hello, Steel what is you need im trying to prepare for my friend, you know"

" Um Dylan its Tracy... my car broke down about half a mile from the bar this guy works, and apparently you know him. Ummm could you possibly come and get me?"

"O-Oh hi Tracy, um yeah i can come get you i know where he works. I'll see you soon, babe"

"OK, ill see you soon bye"


Tracy hung up the phone as Steel was walking back to her. They talked while he was serving everybody,and she was waiting for her friend to come get her. She actually liked talking to this guy, he was funny and sweet. Steel had tattoo's running up and down his arms, and was muscled but not to where he was unattractive, he had just the right amount. His eyes are a light blue with flecks of green in them, which Tracy thought was beautiful.

They continued to talk about all kinds of things throughout the night. One such topic they had was about an anime called Fairy Tail. They were arguing about whether Natsu or gray was the better fighter. They continued their night like that 'till Dylan her friend came to pick her up.

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