well it is nice to finally meet you ?

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Well I finally walked into my new house and just stood there . Thinking until my dad walked in front of me and said hey , hey dad I guess I said to him , you have gotten so big my dad says putting his hand on my shoulder, well that's what happens when you don't see your daughter for 15 years I said with an attitude. I didn't wanna take this all out him but my mom I just can't believe she did this too me . I'm sorry about your mom and how this happened all of a sudden he said apologizing, yeah ok can you show me to my room I ask without looking him , yeah follow me he said . He showed me my room which I had my own bathroom . He tried to start a conversation with me but I just ignored him . So Katie how have you been he asked me , Im Fine could of been better though , yeah so do you have a boyfriend ? He asked me out of no where , yeah why ?? I said confused , oh yeah what's his name he asked me , Michael I said , you really like him he said questioning me , yeah why I said looking at him , just wondering he said , listen Marshall I understand you want to be apart of my life but it kinda impossible now sense you have missed 15 years of it , it's not impossible I just wanna be there for you when you need me , well I don't need you I haven't needed you for 15 years why all the sudden to,8 need you now ? I said , wow no wonder where you get your attitude from , don't even say that my mom and I are nothing alike I said crossing my arms , ok if you are gonna be like that the next 3 years are gonna suck , ok why do I care I said slamming my door in his face . I knew he was getting upset so I locked my door and crawled out the window and went to Michael's house . When I got there he was outside playing basketball ball by him self . I walked up to him and started to tell hi everything that happened after school . Wow he said , yeah I know he asked me if I had a boyfriend I said , what did you say ? Michael said , I said I did , did you tell him about me ??? Michael asked me , yeah what was gonna do lie I said , yeah you could of Michael said , wow you really feel that way about me I said with an attitude, yeah I do I heard you where flirting with Mikey today he said , I wasn't flirting with him ok I was just having a normal conversation with him gosh if you really don't trust me why don't you just break up with me I said wanting to punch him in the face , ok we will Michael said . After that I walked away from him and went back to the mansion and tried to crawl back into my window but couldn't. So I just went around and went in the front door which wasn't the smartest idea . I slammed the front door and went to the kitchen and saw Marshall sitting at the kitchen table with a pad of paper and a pen . Where did you go Marshall asked me , I went to Michael's I said scared , why he asked , I needed so some to talk to I said , well you could talk to me he said smiling , I couldn't talk about what I wanted to you I said , oh so what did you guys do he asked . I wanted to tell him he broke up but I guess I had to he was gonna figure out at some point. We broke up I said about to cry , oh Im Sorry Marshall said hugging me , it fine he didn't trust me apparently I said , oh well there is many fish in the sea he said looking down at me , yeah I know I keep giving those other fish in the sea another chance I said . Marshall didn't say anything after that . I went upstairs and took a shower because I felt dirty . 25 minutes later I finally got out of the shower and put on my pj's which are Nike shorts and a grey Nike air shirt. I went down stairs and saw Marshall watching tv . So I sat next to him and asked what we are having for dinner . What ever you want he said still looking at the tv , you aren't hungry I asked , yeah I am but I don't know what you like to eat he said finally looking at me , oh I will eat anything you make I said , ok I'm gonna go order pizza he said , ok I said standing up going to go get my phone . I Looked at my phone and had a missed call from Sam . So I called her back but she didn't answer so I left my phone in my pocket and went back down stairs . I kept think that the only reason why Sam calls me if she is trouble or she needs help with something . So about 15 minutes later the pizza guy arrived . Finally I'm starving I said out loud. As soon as I got my pizza my phone started to ring , it was Sam so I answered it

Phone call
Sam : can we talk ?
Me : yeah what is it ?
Sam : my parents they are making me do everything and I can't take it do you mind if I stay at your house tonight?
Me : I'm not at my house ?
Sam : where are you them
Me : at my dad's I say loud enough for Marshall to look at me
Sam : but your parents like together
Me : not anymore I will explain later I will text you the address
Sam : ok weirdo love you OXY clean
Me : love you too and I hang up

After I hung up I asked Marshall if my friend could stay here tonight , yeah I guess if you guys don't cause to much trouble, ok whatever I said after I put the pizza in my mouth .

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