22. The beauty and the beast

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Imagine for Amiah:

Sexy, dirty, steamy; Jason; home; night, r-rated

“Are you sure you still want to go?”

Now there you are standing in a narrow road in the dark next to Jason McCann, the boy you are falling for.

You met him at the disco a few days ago. He was so cute and so sweet to you. The only thing that you don’t like is that he is in a gang his brother founded. The other guys were at the disco too and Jason’s brother Alex was trying to flirt with you. Finally Jason saved you before Alex could do anything serious to you. Jason told you that Alex had just been released from prison and just wanted to get some pussy.

Now you are about to enter Alex territory. Jason doesn’t live in a normal house with a family as you do. He lives on the streets and earns his money by means of burglar and murder. Though this is pretty frightening you cannot tell why you have these feelings for him. It’s so hot.

You nod your head to answer Jason’s question.

Jason: “Don’t worry. I told them to bring you here. They won’t harm you, unless you don’t tell anyone about this.”

You: “I won’t.”

Jason: “Then good. Come on.”

He takes your hand and slowly leads you into his housing.

Everything is in a bad state. The house walls haven’t been painted for years and exhaust fumes, soil and ordure adhered everywhere. It was more than just disgusting. Also where was this smell of urine in the air.

You: “This …. This is where you live?”

Jason: “Yeah. I am sorry.”

You: “What are you sorry for? I am sorry.”

Jason: “You are sorry? For what?”

You: “That you have to live here.”

Jason: “I love my life! I have my brother always around me and my friends.”

You sigh.

Jason: “What?”

You: “Haven’t you never wished to be somewhere else? With a real family?”

Jason slowly lowers his head. Obviously you hit something inside of him.

Jason: “You have no idea.”

You frown.

You: “About what?”

Jason: “I can’t tell you. I am living here and nothing else counts!”

You: “Are you angry at me?”

Jason: “Nooo.”

He caresses your hand with his thumb.

Jason: “It’s not your fault. It’s … never mind.”

You don’t want to bother him more so you keep your mouth shut.

“AAAAYE! Here’s my lil bro!”

 You both reach some kind of a court. It’s looks a bit better than before. A few dirty couches are standing around and in the middle inside of an empty barrel there burns a warm fire.

Then you see Jason’s brother, Alex. He was standing next to the fire, snuggeling  himself into an older woman who looks like a prostitute. You have to gulp. Why did you want to go here? You can feel Jason’s grip tighten. He seems strained.

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