8. First time

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Imagine for Niah & Basma:

Cute/sexy, justin's house, midnight, rated r, really romantic/cute ending

Somehow you both wanted the same. Made this chapter a bit longer so you can enjoy it. Hope you like it :)

First time, school mates, licking her, missionary, very slowly

Justin closes the door behind you. You both just left the prom and Justin brought you to his house at midnight. It is really marvelous. Now you are alone with him in his big room. It's a typical teenager room. A big bed, a TV, desk, computer, some shelves and a cupboard. The walls are white and purple and there is a wooden floor in the room.

You: "WOW!"

Justin: "Thanks."

You smile up to him, still a bit nervous. You and Justin have been talking about this day for months. Today you will lose your virginity. You know Justin for a long time and since two years you are in a wonderful relationship. There have been a few arguments, yet, but never a reason to break up. You both really love each other and you trust Justin so much.

Above the bed there are three posters. One shows himself, one the beatles and the other one Michael Jackson. He is Justin Bieber, that's why he has a poster of himself in his room. You live the dream of the dreams.

The sheets are pure white and looks so innocent. You can feel your pulse starting to raise. After such a long time, after so many potential chances you are going to make love to the one you love. The thought terrifies you a bit, but it really is time now.

Justin takes his jacket off and looks into your eyes. He seems a bit nervous, too. That is so cute. Then his white shirt follows and he is now just wearing his black trousers. You check him out. His body is so beautiful. He is tanned, his breasts are muscular and he has a fine six-pack. You have to gulp. His soft brown eyes look dark now and so, so inviting.

Justin: "Uhm ... do you ... want me .. I mean, shall I close the curtains?"

He points at the windows.

You: "Uhm ... I don't mind."

You do not realize what really is happening, the only thing you can see is him.

Justin: "Okay."

He crosses the room towards you, very slowly. Then Justin stands right in front of you and you can smell the familiar scent of his new perfume. You close your eyes for a second to inhale it. It is such a turn on. You want him so much. You can feel your heart thumping inside your chest. How can he be so impossibly sexy?

You would love to rip his clothes off his body and fucking him like there is no tomorrow, but you do not have the confidence to do that. On the other hand this shall be very romantic.

You smile up to his flawless face. Seconds later you can reel one of his hands on your chin. He directly stares into your eyes.

Justin: "I've been waiting a long time for this day."

You: "I can't believe we're actually here."

Justin: "Neither  I."

You try to smile as best as possible but there is still this exertion.

Justin: "Hey, what's up?"

You: "Nothing."

Justin: "Come on, you can tell me. Do you still want to do this?"

You try to look down, but Justin is still holding your hand in his big hands.

You: "I am a bit afraid, but I want this."

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