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"Jesus Christ." You whispered under your breath.

Some kids from school just wouldnt stop taunting you. You barely caught yourself after someone shoved past you in the hallway and caused you to drop your textbooks

"Hey man, watch who you're shoving." Peter hollered as he bent down to help pick up your books.

"Hi Pete, I thought you were gonna meet me at the front gate?" You picked up your last textbook and pushed your hair behind your ear.

"Well... I figured why not get here straight. And uh I have something... that I really wanna ask you!" His eyes brightened with excitement.

You laughed and the both of you started your walk home since you lived near each other.

"What were you gonna ask me?" Your heart was thumping.

Prom was coming up... and like any other teenage girl you were hoping to get a date there. And you were REALLY hoping Peter would go with you since noone else actually showed any interest.

"I need to ask you for a favour tonight. Go to our usual meeting point tonight at 8 and be safe alright? I have something to show you." He grinned and gave you a hug before you both went your separate ways.

--8 pm that night--

The usual meeting point referred to this rooftop in your neighbourhood. It had a great view, you could see lots of lights from the busy city below.

This is where he would ask you to meet him if he wanted Spiderman to tell you something...

Anyway, you got there and found a small card placed on the ledge.

" (y/n)

Thanks for coming, I hope you like it.

Now look down to the windows of the building in front of you.

I'll see you soon.

Your friendly, neighbourhood spiderman. "

You chuckled abit and looked down, curious at what the card referred to. You gasped at what you saw.

The buildings windows had been webbed but the lights to the rooms are switched on so you could see that each web had a letter concealed inside it.

"W...I...L...L, will...Y,O,U... G,O...T,O... P...R......O.......M...Prom."you read out.

"With me?" A familiar voice called from behind.

You saw the one and only spiderman, with his mask off and holding a bouquet of flowers.

"Oh my gosh... how did you do that?" You gushed.

"Well, it took sometime... did you like it? I-its ok if you didnt I mean... it was quite a stupid idea... Oh my gosh you dont like it do yo-"

You cut him off with a slap on his arm.

"I loved it you idiot!" And that phrase just made the biggest smile grow on his face.

"So... is it a y-"

"No." You made a serious face.

His smile dropped and the flowers that were held out to you were now held limply at his side.

"Im joking, of course Ill go with you!" You laughed and gave him a huge hug.

"Oh thank god." He nuzzled his face in your neck.

"So... whats our colour scheme huh?" He smirked.

You just wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in for a sweet kiss.

"You dont know how long I've wanted this." You both said in unison only to have both of your cheeks turn crimson red.

"Ill see you tomorrow in school. Stay safe and you know you can always count on-"

"Your friendly neighbourhood spiderman." You both finished.

"Thanks Pete... Goodnight." You blushed as he winked at you for the last time before putting on his mask and swinging away.

Lets just say you didnt get much sleep that night.

Hi guys! Ok when I posted this I forgot to add my note below😂

I hope you like this and stay awesome alright guys

I love yall a whole lot, be strong like the heroes you all are alright💪

QOTD:How was your prom?

AOTD: I havent had a prom before but this year is gonna be my prom year yeyyyy its gonna be in November after my exams✌😂

Thanks for reading💕💕

-Agent 19 xx

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