He finds out you died(Clint)

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"YOU SAID NO ONE KNEW ABOUT MY FAMILY FURY!" he slammed his fists on the desk and stood up.

"YOU PROMISED ME THEY WOULD BE PROTECTED! I TRUSTED YOU!" he fell back into the chair and bawled.

"Agent Barton, I have nothing to do with this. I've kept it confidential just like I said. But that does not mean-"

"NO! YOU DON'T GET IT!" He wiped his hand down his face.

"I was... heartbroken. Came home after a week long mission, exhausted and bruised but excited nonetheless, with some cupcakes and her favourite ice cream. Wanted to make up for not being there for a week... I was gonna go watch a disney marathon with my family... but I came home to a bloodbath." He grit his teeth and clenched his hair.

"Agent you need to control yoursel-"


"I came home in time for her to whisper one last thing to me..." tears falling from his eyes as his fist was still at the wall.

*earlier that night*

"Short stack Im home! Kids? Daddy brought some cupcakes for you!" He pushed the door open with his foot, trying to balance all the treats in his arms.

But something was wrong. The living room was a huge mess, cushions strewn around the whole room and the coffee table had been overturned. He gently placed the items on the floor and got his bow and arrows ready.

"(Y/N), where are you honey?" He quietly walked through the house.

He stopped in his tracks when he saw you in the kitchen. Sprawled on the floor, three gunshot wounds and an umbrella held limply in your arms.

"(Y/N)! No! Who did this?" He cradled you in his arms and surveyed your wounds.

You grabbed his hand and smiled.

"Katniss, dont be dramatic." Your voice was so sincere.

He calmed abit and stared at you with worried eyes.

"I d-dont know who but thats- thats not im-portant..." you stuttered.

"Clint, honey. I-I love y-you. Dont...mourn for t-too long baby. Please." You pleaded and grabbed his shirt.

"M-move on. Go have an-other adven-ture... But just dont f-forget about o-ours. Promise?" He nodded and kissed your cheek.

"Promise. I-"

He was cut off by your last breath.

"I love you too Short stack." He added solemnly.

He laid you down and shut your eyes for the last time.

His heart was broken and he remembered.

The kids.

And he bolted up the stairs to the kids' room.

The light was off and the children appeared asleep. But he switched on the lights and saw that his dear little girl and boy had been shot and were now lifeless.

He dropped to his knees and held his face in his hands. But he didnt cry. He just shut his eyes, overwhelmed by grief. He couldn't take it. Clint's sorrow turned to anger as he got up and started punching the wall.

He screamed and punched right through the wall. The wall had a hole in it and his hands were sweaty and bloodied. That was when he cracked.

The tears just kept flowing and when he did stop, it would just start again. He stumbled to his feet and struggled down the stairs. With a heavy heart, he left the house. For the last time.

He climbed into the quinjet he used to get here and made a beeline for SHIELD HQ.

*present time*

"(Y/N) doesnt get it, she was the one piece of a normal life I could have. Now, shes gone." He broke down into sobs.

He curled in the corner of Fury's office, still bruised and battered from the mission, hands covered in dried blood, shirt was wet with sweat and blood and hair in all directions from being tugged at. He was a mess. Fury, usually unable to express emotions, felt a tinge of sympathy for this agent.

For the first time, Fury saw Clint that vulnerable. Saw him as a person, not a trained agent. And it was the first time he saw Clint as a man with a family, as a husband with emotions.

"Romanoff, I need you in here immediately." Fury called Natasha in.

She walked in and saw Clint, a mess of tears on the ground. Her heart softened a little.

"Bring him out." She nodded and gently got the crying Clint out of the room.

"Im so sorry (Y/N). I really love you." He kept saying to himself.

Clint had to spend a few nights under observation. And in that time all he had done was punch the walls in anger just to fall down on his knees and cry again.

After about two months, the team had managed to encourage him to leave his room. But he has never been the same. Even though it has been two months, he still remembers the scene, the promise and everything that night. It haunts him.

"I promise,(Y/N). I promise."


Hey guysssss hope you cried reading this xD I almost did omg...

Well I love ya all ok?

Stay awesome ❤

-Agent 19 xx

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