He finds out you died(Tony)

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"C'mon (Y/N), we gotta go! This building's gonna go down!" Tony flies over to you.

"Go on without me, I see more families trapped. I'll be back alright Handsome?" He nodded as you took off for the third floor above you.

"This building's gonna crash! Im gonna need you guys to follow me, and hurry!" You rushed them and called for some back up.

"Hey Ton, can you help get some people down!" You shouted to him.

"How many? And sure Im coming." He flew over to you.

Tony tried to get as many down to the ground as possible. He took about three to four people at once.

It was so dangerous. The building was falling apart, there was so much rubble.

It was finally your turn to vacate when you had a vision. A baby was stuck in her cot, with no idea what was happening. So young, so pure. You ran off to get her, leaving Tony confused.

He sped off after you and found you with the baby in your arms. You were ready to leave when a beam fell over you and caught your foot.

"(Y/N)! BABY GIRL! I'll help you, don't worry you'll get out of here babe!" Tony tried to get it off of you but it was too heavy. The other rubble falling on top of it was certainly not helping the situation.

Tears escaped your eyes and you gave the baby you were holding a kiss on the forehead.

Tony kneeled in front of your face. You took off his mask and wiped his tears away. You gave him your last kiss, the best kiss you could and put the baby in his arms.

"Theres no time, just go Tony. I love you. Come back if you can." And with that, you put his mask back on and pushed him before he could say anything else.

Not long after, you heard the last message he had for you.

"(Y/N), Im coming back for you. I love you." And your heart shattered.

But not as much as his when he saw the building crumble to the ground without him having a chance to save you.

He came home, scarred and shattered. Knowing nothing was going to be the same. His sidekick, his best friend (no not rhodey)and most importantly, the love of his life, was taken away from him. He held the white velvet box close to his heart that night.

He was needed back at the scene the next day to recover your body. He stood in his suit, his head hung low, barely keeping himself together. And when he saw your limp and lifeless body, bloody with cuts and bruises, he couldn't help but think that you seem merely asleep.

He still couldn't grasp the fact that you were gone and he gently carressed your cheek, surprised by the coldness of it. He missed your warm prescence and your joyful laughs.

And that was when he cracked.

The tears escaped his eyes and never stopped. Days, weeks and months passed, the Avengers were worried sick, Pepper couldn't get him out of the lab. He said it was your favourite place. Everything reminded him of you. It was harsh.

He truly did love you.

In that time he had, mourning your loss, he couldn't help but regret not staying with you in the building. Maybe, just maybe, if he had been quicker, he could have saved you.

But its too late now.


I hope you liked it! This was a really sad one :( I almost cried writing it :( Do yall want more of these? Or is this one enough? xD

QOTD: Fave singer/band?

AOTD: I really like 5sos haha xD

-Agent 19 xx

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