Favourite movies

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You both love any type of movie but your absolute favourite genre has to be horror. He loves it when you hide your face in his chest at the scary parts. He always makes fun of you for that.


You both love watching chick flicks with each other. He especially loves watching Mean Girls and laughs at you when you imitate the characters.


He doesnt mind. He watched anything as hes so fascinated by the tv. But he does enjoy Harry Potter very much.(Mostly because he thought the accents and spells were funny)


Hes actually a huge geek. He loves watching superhero or alien shows. Even though he is a superhero himself, he is stil fascinated. He'll go on and on about the movie you watched for weeks and he'll never shut up.


He is up for any movie that sparks his interest. It can be Pitch Perfect or The fault in our stars. Heck, he even likes the Hunger Games.(even though he won't stop commenting on her skills)


He LOVES Disney. And youre a disney geek too. So uou watch alot of disney together and the rest of team gets annoyed as both of you belt out the lyrics from the songs you know.


He is an action movie type of guy. He likes seeing explosions, gunshots and zombies etc... But these movies give him a huge rush of energy and he would keep you up all night with his fast antics.

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