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So this is a sort of continuation from the last chap :)


"Bucky?" Cap whispered, bewildered.

You turned to your partner, concerned.

"Who the hell's Bucky?" He asked and got ready to shoot.

As he was about to shoot, Black Widow had fired and you hastily pulled him down and just like that, disappeared.

Little did they know you were still there. The two of you watched silently from the top of a building, sitting at the edge. The great Captain America got arrested with Black Widow and Falcon.

James had been quiet the whole time.

"So...Bucky huh?"you turned to look at him.

"I... I think... I know him..." He looked straight ahead.

"He may be related to your past... You interested in finding out?" You let your hair loose from its ponytail and shook it out.

He just looked at you with sad eyes. You moved closer to him and put an arm around him. He leant in to you and rested his head on your shoulder, his metal arm wrapped around your waist.

"Lets go back...Buck."You half smiled.

(Time skip~)

Seeing Alexander Pierce angry was horrifying, but not as horrifying and seeing your partner brainwashed again.

James was in pain and basically screaming for them to stop. But they wouldn't.

You were strapped to your chair, silently watching and feeling bad for Barnes.

After the procedure was done, he was 'as good as new'. You were both dismissed and headed for your hideout. You held him by his arm and he never said a word the entire time.

"Tomorrow's a new day." You told him as you both lay in bed. He just nod and turned the other way.

(Time skip~~)

You were with James on that helicarrier, the same one which Cap fell from. Your heart( or whatever is left of it.) melted when you saw him dive to save Cap. You dived too and assisted.

After safely pulling him up on shore, the both of you walked away.

It was the end. Alexander Pierce is dead, you were sure of it. And you were both free. Free to piece yourselves together. Free to feel emotions. And free to be yourselves and not killers.

You knew Cap would want to look for James, but you'll deal with that when the time comes.

James quickly showered, attended to his injuries and changed into casual wear, with a baseball cap concealing his identity. You did the same and off you were to the one place you knew there would be some explanation.

James stared intently at the board.

"James Buchannan 'Bucky' Barnes... Best friend of Steve Rogers... Inseparable..."

"Are you remembering anything?" You interlocked your hands.

He just blinked his teary eyes, shook his head and left you, letting go of your hand. You sigh and hurry after him. You found him hugging his knees in a corner of he museum. He had tears threathening to fall.

"I... remember..." his voice cracked.

You wrapped him up in a hug and sat beside him with your arm pulling him close.

"I... I don't think I can live with this anymore... Being brainwashed, experimented, got a metal arm, almost killed that one last piece of family that I have left, killed countless other people... The list goes on... I can't live with being a... a monster..." he sighed.

"Don't say that. It wasn't your fault. You didn't choose to be the way you are. And you're not a monster. You're my friend. And I know the both of us suck at expressing our emotions, but Im serious when I say... I love you. Barnes, we've been partners since the day I first got captured. Im pretty sure we're way past being 'just partners'." You looked into his eyes.

"Thank you (Y/N). I... Love you too." He pulled you into a hug.

"I know what we're doing next. When do we start?" You raised your eyebrows.


Hey guysssss hope you like it haha

QOTD: Would you rather be stuck on an island (with no way of escape) with Magneto or The Joker?

AOTD: Magneto, Ill guilt trip him into meeting Pietro and Wanda xD

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