Chapter 6

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Thirds person pov

As she made her way into the room, Harry seemed confused by Sarah's strange greeting towards him. She was all he knew, when she came into his room for cleaning , but if she is the sister of none other than the Majesty herself, than why she came to his room. Why she had to clean it. A frown automatically formed on Harrys face and Sarah seemed to notice it real quick. "hes adorable." She thought and chuckled silently. Harry snapped his face towards her and the smile lingering on her face, which made  him relax a bit, but with thousands of question running in his mind, his eyes were questioning, and series of lines and  creases forming on his forehead.

Sarahs Pov

"Come, sit." She spoke softly, pointing to sit on the enormous luxurious sofa. The room had its own different aura. Despite of the darkness lingering outside in inuorpe, her room was bright and walls were painter and decorated magnificiently. Although she smiled, her pain was visible through red teary eyes. I knew, shes struggling to overcome her inner demons and pretending to be happy after all. But the real problem lies, is that she never broke her inner walls to let love conquer her. All she wanted the revenge, but now she seemed tired of it, tired of darkness that had took hold of her heart.

"Sister, I really apologise, really." I said, feeling really sad, that I had hurt her, after all she is my sister.

"I am so cruel." She mumbled looking down at file, pages stuggling to free themselves from the file, as strong wind flew by.

"Harry, sit please." She suddenly snapped out of her daze and welcomed him.

He took his seat next to me, seeming to be real nervous. Who couldn't be, after all she is the queen.

Known for her dark rule on your creation, my heart answered.

I brushed off my thoughts

"So, Harry, tell me about yourself, apart from the information written about you in this file." Monica asked him.

"Ummm...." He trailed off thinking, " Well, I like to sing and art really interests me," he paused, thinking if he could add more and continued, " that's all I know." He finished, his voice deep and Raspy, it reminded me black tar,

Yes, because, its so heavy and sticky, just like his voice.

Why aren't they talking?

I turned my attention towards Monica.

She was looking at him intently, just like a child sees his present before slowly peeling its wrapper and checking the real surprise. Harry, was just like that present to her. He had that 'light' magnet that she never had and that's the reason she was so attracted to him.


I cleared my throat to gain their attention and thankfully I am successful at it.

"Oh, yea, umm may proceed now, nice to meet you. You can start working from tomorrow" She dimmissed him, forcing a smile as she got caught.

By me

I smiled.

I looked at Harry. He looked confused but masked his feeling of rejection immediately by smiling at the queen. He turned towards me and nodded, I gave him a sincere smile.

He bowed down quickly and left.

"So, will you forgive me Sarah,." She asked turning her attention towards me.

The Raincoat a/u ( Harry styles + zayn malik)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora