Chapter 23

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Austin rolled over and saw Clara sound asleep.
"Clara, how can you not see how gorgeous you are? You are the most stunning person to ever live." Austin whispered while pushing a strand of hair away from her face. Hew rapped his arm around her waist and pulled her to him. He snuggled his head into her shoulder inhaling her sweet smell. Clara shivered and rolled onto her back. Austin realized the time and leaned down and kissed her lips. Clara immediately returned the kiss.
"Morning, Hun." Clara whispered when they pulled apart. Austin lightly kissed her face, while mumbling a good morning.
"Austin I think it's time to get up."
"Just...a...few...more...minutes..." Austin said in between kisses. Clara kissed his lips stopping him from kissing her anymore.
"Where you tired of my kisses?" Austin asked when they pulled apart.
"Of course not, but we need to get up."
"But I want to stay here with you." Austin whined while burying his head into the crook of her neck.
"I know. But it's time to get up."
"Please stay here with me." Austin begged.
"Good." Austin pulled her back into his chest and snuggled up to her.
Texts between Clara and Bill.
Bill: How is Austin treating?
Clara: He's a perfect sweetheart!
Bill: That's a first. Jk.
Clara walked into kitchen to get a bowl of cereal from the cupboard.
"Austin, what do you want to do today?"
"I don't care, Hun." Austin replied looking down at his phone. Clara walked over to the chair he was sitting and put her hands on his shoulders. She looked down at the screen and read an email to someone he worked with. Clara looked at Austin's face and noticed he was stressed. She lightly squeezed his shoulder before walking over and pouring him a cup of coffee. Clara sat the cup down in front of him and sat down next to him and began to eat her cereal.
Austin shut his phone off and set it down. He leaned over and gave Clara a kiss on the cheek.
"You okay?" Clara asked taking his hand.
"I don't believe you. What's wrong?"
"A guy at the office didn't order the right materials for a job, and one of the guys at the same job site as me is complaining to me about it. So, I guess I have to try to settle this." Austin put his head in his hands.
Clara reached over and pulled his hands away from his face.
"While I'm making you breakfast, you start working."
"Okay. Thanks, babe."
"Finally that's settled." Austin leaned back in his chair. He walked out into the living room and saw Clara curled up on the couch reading a book. Austin quietly walked over to her and got down on one knee.
"Hi, babe." Clara said.
"Hey, Cutie." Austin moved a piece of hair from her face.
"Did you get it all figured out?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"That's good."
"Mhmm. What do you want to do today?"
"I don't care." Clara leaned over and kissed him.
"What was that for?" Austin asked.
"Because you looked so handsome."
Austin kissed her.
"What was that for?" Clara asked.
"Because you looked beautiful."
"Your such a copier." Clara pushed him over.
"That wasn't very nice."
"I know."
"And to think I thought you were sweet."
"That was your mistake." Clara giggled. Austin reached up to grab Clara's waist and pull her down to him.
"You're awfully cute you know." Austin whispered before flipping her onto her back. He rolled on top of her and passionately kissed her. Clara wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him closer to her. Austin rubbed her side slowly. Clara soon pulled away gasping for breath. She shyly smiled up at him.
Texts between Austin and his dad.
  Dad: There will be a work dinner on Friday at Olive Garden. Bring Clara as well. I want everyone to bring their spouses.
  Austin: Okay. What time?
  Dad: Six.
  Austin: Okay.
  "Hun?" Austin said turning to Clara.
  "Mhm." Clara replied half asleep on Austin's shoulder.
  "There is a work dinner on Friday at six."
  "Okay. Have fun." Clara mumbled.
  "You have to go."
  "That's nice."
  "Do you know what I just said?" Austin smirked.
  "Mhm. Have fun."
  "I love you."
  "That's nice."
  "You need to take a nap."
  "Have fun." Clara mumbled before drifting off to sleep. Austin smiled down at his beautiful wife.
Friday at six p.m.
  They pulled into the restaurant, and Austin helped Clara out of the car. She accepted his arm and they walked in together.
  "Hello, Austin." An older man said.
  "Hey, Fred." Austin shook Fred's hand.
  "Who's this pretty lady?"
  "This is my wife, Clara."
  "Hello, ma'am." Fred nodded his head in Clara's direction.
  "It's nice to meet you, Fred." Clara smiled.
  "If you don't treat her right, I'll beat the living day lights out of you."
  Austin laughed along with Fred.
  "Have nice evening, Austin, miss." Fred walked away.
  "He seems nice." Clara said looking up at Austin.
  "Fred normally is agreeable unless his wife is mad, someone is being an idiot, or he missed a meal."
  Clara giggled.
"Austin, we have an emergency. We need you in the back room asap." An older man said to him.
"Okay. I'll be right there." he turned to Clara, "I'll be right back."
Austin walked away leaving Clara alone. Clara moved around a corner so she was out of the way, but she could still see when Austin came back.
"Well, what's a pretty thing like you standing in a corner alone for?"
"I'm actually..."
"Don't worry I'll keep you company." The man about Austin's age. "I'm Clara, and I'm also ma..."
"That's a pretty name. I'm Rob." he started to walk closer to her.
"I'm going to go..."
"Leaving so soon? We can't have that."
"And why can't I leave?" Clara asked nervously as she backed into the wall. Rob put his arms against the wall trapping her there.
"You look even hotter against the wall." Rob said inching his face closer to hers. Clara turned her face.
Lord, please help me get out of this.
Rob began to kiss her cheek and on her jaw. Clara tried to push him off, but he grabbed her arms holding her against the wall. He slowly trailed the kiss onto her neck making her cry even harder. Rob reached behind her grabbing her zipper and pulling it down. He trailed his fingers from her neck down to her bra unsnapping it.
All of a sudden a fist hit Rob square in the jaw sending him sprawling on the ground.
"Don't ever touch my wife again!" Austin yelled. Austin turned to Clara a confused look on his face. "What were you doing with Rob?" he asked sounding hurt.
Tears sprang to Clara's eyes realizing what he thought.
"No, no, no. That's not what happened. H-he trapped me against the wall and started ki..." Clara's sobs prevented her from talking anymore.
Austin's eyes softened.
"Clara, I'm so sorry. For doubting you." He held out his hand for her. Clara shook her head.
"I-I can't." She wailed.
"Why not?"
"M-my dress..."
Austin's face turned from soft to furious. He turned to Rob, who had just stood up.
"How dare you!" He punched him in the jaw again. "Do you have no respect for women?! If you ever, ever go near my wife again I will beat the life out of you!" Austin picked Rob up by his collar and threw him away from the corner. He turned to Clara and wrapped his arms around her and zipped her dress back up. Austin pulled Clara against him.
"I'm sorry I left." Austin whispered. Clara couldn't tell him about her bra. "Did he do anything else that I didn't see?" Clara nodded numbly.
"What did he do?!"
"Your bra?!" Clara nodded. Austin pulled Clara against his chest and reached behind Clara and unzipped down to where her bra was and snapped it back together before zipping it back up.
"Let's go." Austin said softly. Austin put his arm protectively around Clara's shoulders. He saw a group gathered around Rob, one person handing him ice, and most of the group was glaring at Austin. Austin's Dad walked up to him with an unhappy look on his face.
"What's the meaning of this?! You punched Rob!" His dad yelled.
"Yes." Austin set his jaw firmly.
"Why would you do that?!"
"Do you want to know what he did to Clara while I was helping with the computer in the back?!" Austin yelled back. "I will punch him again if he comes near Clara again!"
"Rob wouldn't do anything to hurt a women!"
"You actually believe that..."
Clara interrupted, "Austin, let's go."
"Yes, Hun. I'll call you later." He said to his dad.
Austin led Clara out of the restaurant and took her home. As soon as they got home Clara took a shower. She scrubbed as hard as possible where Rob had touched. Her skin turned bright red from the roughness, and her back hurt terribly. Clara got out of the shower and got changed into her pjs. She walked into the bedroom. Clara saw Austin's clothes from earlier thrown on the bed but didn't see him. She gathered the clothes and put them in the laundry basket when she heard Austin yelling on the phone.
"I don't care if his jaw has a huge bruise on it!"
"Dad, do you want me to tell you what I saw him doing to my wife?!" Austin screamed.
"From what I saw he was kissing her neck getting awfully close to her chest! Would you like me to continue?!"
"Okay! He started at her cheek worked his way to her neck! Then...oh yeah there's more...he had unzipped her dress and had unsnapped her bra!"
"Yeah she told me that!"
"You think Clara's lying?! Well I don't because I snapped her bra back together and zipped her dress up for her!"
"Fine! You don't want to believe me, go ahead! Don't expect to see me at work on Monday! I QUIT!" Clara heard Austin slam his phone on the table. She quietly walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his bare chest and leaning her head against his back.
"How much did you hear?" Austin asked softly.
"Enough. Thank you."
"For what?"
"Being there for me, believing me, and protecting me."
"Baby, I will always be there for you." He turned around and wrapped his arms around her waist.
"You need to make up with your father."
"I will not until he realizes he was wrong!"
"Austin, am I really worth the relationship with your father and your job?" Austin pulled away only enough so he could look into her eyes.
"You are worth that and so much more." He pushed a strand of hair away from her face. Austin wanted to kiss her, but he was afraid it might trigger the thought of what happened earlier. Austin picked Clara up bridal style and carried her into their room. He laid her down on her side of the bed and covered her body with the blanket. Austin laid down on his side of the bed. He reached over and laid his hand on Clara's waist to pull her over. Her body stiffened at his touch. Austin pulled his hand away and rolled onto his back and sighed.
How am I going to support Clara without a job?
Lord, give me guidance to know what step to take next.
Clara's P.O.V.
I feel terrible. What wife does that to her husband? When Austin saw what was happening the look of pure hurt broke my heart! Then I hurt him again when I just now rejected him. I'm terrible. I'm going to apologize!
Clara reached over and touched Austin's fist which was clenching and unclenching. It immediately stopped and he looked over at her.
"You're still awake?" Austin asked looking into her eyes.
  Clara nodded her head before blurting out, "I'm sorry."
  "For what?"
  "For rejecting you a few minutes ago, for tonight."
  "Clara, stop! I know you don't reject me." He reached over and rubbed his thumb over her cheek making her flinch. He pulled his hand back. "You're scared because of what happened. It's fine."
  "You aren't upset with me?"
  "Of course not."
  "Thank you." Clara rolled over and put her head against his chest. He gently laid his hand on her waist making her stiffen a bit. Austin pulled his hand away, but Clara grabbed it and set it back on her hip.

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