Chapter 9

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  "Have you asked any one to be your groomsmen yet?" Clara asked.
  "Yup. Sam, Derek, and Jason." Austin replied.
  "Okay." Clara said as she marked it off on the list. "Have you looked into renting your tux, or do I have to do that." Clara said jokingly.
  "I have not done it, but I will."
"Come in." Clara said.
"Hey, I picked up the dress for you." Jessica yelled from the entry way. "Where do you want it put?" Chelsea added.
"KEEP IT HIDDEN FOR GOODNESS SAKES! AUSTIN'S HERE!" Clara yelled as she jumped off the couch and ran to the entry way. She yelled over her shoulder,"STAY WHERE YOU ARE AUSTIN!"
As soon as she turned around she ran into the wall. "Ow."
"I so wish I would have gotten that on video." Chelsea said laughing.
"What happened? I have to stay where I am." Austin asked.
"Your lovely fiancé just ran into the wall and it looks like she hit her eye on a table." Chelsea said examine her eye. "It's all red and swelling up."
"The dress is in Cla... What happened?" Jessica asked walking into the hallway.
"Well Clara just ran into a wall and hit her eye. I think she has a black-eye." Chelsea responded.
"I wonder how many colors it will be?"
"Jessica! That's the first thing you thought of!"
"Here's some ice." Austin interrupted handing the Clara the bag of ice.
"Thanks." Clara said gratefully.
"Your welcome." Austin said picking her up bridal style and carrying her to the couch.
"This is your fault." Clara said.
"If you were more trustworthy then I wouldn't have had to run out of here and yell to you not to come in." Clara said jokingly.
"Well then what's my punishment?" Austin asked trying to keep a straight face.
"Hand me my phone."
"Oh, no! Nothing good ever comes from you having your phone."
"Never mind it's right here." Clara said with an evil smile spreading across her face.
"What's my punishment?"
"Say,'Clara is the prettiest, smartest, most amazing fiancé ever'."
"Okay, go."
"Clara is the prettiest, smartest, most amazing fiancé ever."
"Thank you. I tend to think so."
"Smart-alec. As much as I would love to stay, I have to go see my strange groomsmen."
"I love you." Austin said as he lightly kissed Clara.
"I love you too."
Austin left and the three girls got down to business with the wedding preparations.
"We need to place almost all the orders tonight, pick up, stamp, and mail all the invitations, find dresses, and plan what we are eating all in the next week." Clara said going into stressed mode.
"I will go pick up the invitations." Jessica said.
"Okay thanks."
"Chelsea and I will set up everything in the den."
Jessica left and Chelsea went into the den. While Clara grabbed her laptop from her bedroom. As Clara walked into the den she got a call from her grandparents. "Hello?"
"Hi, Honey. We are going to some friends house for dinner. We probably won't get back till kinda late."
"See ya in a couple hours."
"Okay bye."
"What kind of plates are you getting?"
"Probably just paper plates from the dollar store." Clara responded.
"We'll just use the ones at the church and I will grab some from the store."
"Probably the store and I will order some stuff."
"What about flowers?"
"Probably something springy. We have a family friend who has a flower shop. I'll call her now."
"Hello?" Maggie asked."
"Hi, Maggie. It's Clara."
"Hi, Clara. What can I do for you?"
"I need lots of flowers for bouquets and decorations."
"What's the occasion?"
"My wedding."
"Your getting married!"
"Yes, ma'am."
"Congratulations! What day do you need them."
"February 13th."
"Okay. What kinds of flowers?"
"How about I bring you some flower samples?"
"Ok, thank you."
"No problem. What day is open for you?"
"Tomorrow I am free."
"Ok. Where do you want to meet?"
"Don't you go to my grandparents every Wednesday?"
"Yes. Are you staying there?"
"Yes." (It's Wednesday.)
"Ok. I will show you everything tomorrow."
"Okay, thank you so much."
"Your welcome."
"I have to go, I will see you tomorrow."
"Okay I have the invitations." Jessica said walking in with a package.
"Is anyone else hungry?" Clara asked.
"Okay, pizza?"
"Okay." Clara ordered the pizza as Jessica and Chelsea grabbed stamps and opened the invitations.
"I hear the pizza guy." Clara said jumping up. She quickly paid for the pizza and went back to the den.
"How are you decorating the auditorium and the gym?" Chelsea asked.
"I don't know. Thats what we are planning tomorrow." Clara responded.
"Hold it you two." Jessica interrupted."What about the bridal shower?"
"It completely slipped my mind. How about we plan it for two weeks from now on that Saturday?" Clara responded.
"Decorations for that?" Jessica asked.
"How about you two plan it and I will give you some money to do it?" Clara said.
"Okay." Jessica answered enthusiastically.
"Okay the invitations are stamped." Clara said.
"I will mail them tomorrow in the morning." Jessica said.
"Okay thanks."
"Food?" Chelsea asked looking at the next thing on the clipboard.
"I am going to ask Austin what he wants."Clara responded.
"Okay." Chelsea said.
"Now all that's left is outfits for everyone, except the bride, food, decorations, sending out the invitations, and the bridal shower."
"Austin is getting the tuxes for him and the groomsmen." Clara added.
"Okay. That makes it easier for us." Chelsea said.
"Let's watch a movie, paint our nails, and eat ice cream. I am tired of the wedding planning." Clara said.
"Sounds good."
"Why not."
"What movie do you want to watch?" Clara asked.
"I don't care."
"How about we each pick out our favorite movie and watch them all?" Jessica added.
"That's a good idea." Clara replied.
"Frozen." Chelsea blurted out.
"Princess Bride." Jessica said.
"Brave." Clara added. "I'll get the movies started, Jessica go grab the ice cream, and Chelsea grab the nail polish. In a few minutes they had grabbed almost all the blankets in the house, tons of pillows, and Frozen was playing.
(Four and a half hours later. 12:57 a.m.)
"Wait." Clara exclaimed. "What if we went shopping tomorrow well I guess today with the guys and picked out the tuxes and dresses. It would be easier to match them."
"Where are we going to go?" Chelsea asked.
"How about the used bridal shop?" Jessica responded.
"I will call as soon as I get up in the morning." Clara said.
(Texts between Clara and Austin.)
C: In the morning, do you guys want to go get tuxes when we go get dresses?
A: Sure.
C: Okay I will text you a time later.
A: Okay. How was your evening?
C: Good. How about you?
A: Good.
C: What did you guys do?
A: Talked about girls. What about you?
C:Oh. Talked about guys and watched movies.
A: If I find a guy flirting with you I will break his neck.
C: Okay. I like you being over protective.
A: Anything for my beautiful fiancé.
C: Jessica read the last few texts over my shoulder and now she is freaking out with Chelsea.
A: Haha.
C: I need to get some normal friends.
A: Haha. How's your eye?
C: Swollen and colorful.
A: Bummer.
C: I have to go so I can get my beauty sleep. I love you.
A: I love you. Sleep well sweetheart. P.S. Someone as beautiful as you doesn't need any beauty sleep.
C: Sure. Just wait till you see my black-eye and all its glory tomorrow.
(Texts between Sam and Clara.)
S: Thank goodness you finally stopped texting Austin.
C: Why?
S: Cuz if you wouldn't have I think his face may have broken from smiling.
C: Haha.
S: I have to go before Austin strangles me.
C: Haha. Okay bye.
S: Bye.
(8:36 a.m.)
Clara reached over to grab her phone from her nightstand, only to find it was missing. She sat up and looked around, when she spotted Jessica and Chelsea sitting with her phone looking at it.
"Aww. That's so cute." Jessica exclaimed.
"Literally they make the cutest couple ever." Chelsea said.
"Who make a cute couple?" Clara asked.
"You and Austin." Jessica said not even looking up.
"ARE YOU READING MY TEXTS?!" Clara yelled jumping out of bed.
"Yep." Jessica said barely acknowledging Clara.
"Give me that." Clara said snatching the phone away.
"Hey! Give that back I was looking at that." Jessica yelled jumping up from her spot on the ground.
"I know that's why I took it. It's my phone." Clara said.
"Fine." Jessica replied grumpily."You have pads, right?"
"Yes." Clara said.
"Okay good because you are going to need them." Jessica replied.
"How did you know?" Clara asked.
"I know you very well." Jessica said.
"Whatever." Clara mumbled stomping out of the room with clothes in her arms. "I am going to take a shower."
"Okay. Don't use all the hot water!" Chelsea exclaimed.
When Clara got out of the shower she walked into her room.
"Where's Jessica?" Clara asked.
"She went to mail the invitations." Chelsea replied.
"I am going to go to take a shower."
Clara turned her phone on and found a message from Austin:
A: When and where do we need to meet you?
C: Here at 10?
A: Sounds good. Sleep well.
C: No.
A: Bummer.
C: How about you?
A: Eh. Sam, Jason, and me almost strangled Derek. He snores terribly.
C: Haha. I gtg see you in a little while.
A: Yup. Bye. <3 Love you!
C: Love you too.
Clara quickly dried her hair and straightened.
"Okay the invitations are mailed." Jessica said walking into that room and plopped on to the bed.
"When did you get ready?" Clara asked.
"I took a shower last night."
"I should've done that."
Soon all three girls were downstairs making breakfast. Soon they had waffles, sausage, and eggs ready.
"Mmm. Something smells good." Austin said as he wrapped his arms around Clara and kissing her cheek.
"I didn't here you come in." Clara said as she laid her head against his chest.
"It's because I am like a ninja."
"I beg to differ."
"That's right you beg."
"Whatever." Clara said grumpily lifting her head off his chest and glared as she pulled the plates out of the cupboard.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing." Clara snapped as she turns around facing him.
His eyes grew wide when he saw her eye. "Oh my goodness."
Clara rolled her eyes and walked over to the dining table. As they were clearing the table, Clara's grandparents came in.
"Morning." Clara said giving them each a hug.
"Good morning." Her grandma said cheerfully. "Joe, come look at this."
"Look at this." She said gesturing to the the four boys who were cleaning the kitchen.
"Clara, I am impressed." Her grandpa said.
"Thank you." Clara said smirking at the boys.
"Which one is the boy you are marrying?" His face turned to a stern face.
"Austin come here." Clara commanded.
"Yes ma'am." He said walking over to her and saluting her. Clara gave him a death glare.
"Papa, I would like you to meet Austin. Austin, this is my papa."
"Nice to meet you, sir." Austin said politely shaking hands. Clara's grandpa just looked at him making Austin's eyes widen.
"Grandma, I would like you to meet Austin. Austin, this is my grandma."
"Nice to meet you ma'am." He said respectfully shaking her hand.
"Nice to meet you to, Austin." She said cheerfully.
"Is the kitchen cleaned?" Clara asked impatiently to the three boys behind her.
"Yes." They all said scared of Clara. They all knew this was going to be a long week.
"Good. I am going up to the den to work on some stuff for the wedding." Clara said stomping out of the kitchen.
The four boys followed her silently.
"Okay girls and whatever you four are, let's get down to work."
"I am going to grab something from the other room. Chelsea, Jason, Derek, Sam come with me." Jessica impatiently said.
"You okay, sweetheart?" Austin said sympathetically.
"Come here." Clara walked over to him and sat down next to him on the couch. Austin put an arm around her and pulled her into his side.
"I'm sorry for being grouchy." Clara apologized sheepishly.
"It's okay." Austin said smiling down at her.
Suddenly the door flew open and three huge chocolate bars were thrown in front of Clara. Then the door was slammed shut, "Satan's been fed!" Jessica yelled as he ran down the hallway.
Austin erupted into laughter, while Clara rolled her eyes and grabbed a chocolate bar.
"The appointment at the used bridal shop is at 4." Clara told everyone. They were all spread around the den.
"Food?" Chelsea asked.
"Pizza!" Austin exclaimed.
"Only if there is chocolate somewhere at the wedding." Clara bargained.
"Good with me." Austin said smiling at his fiancé.
How did I get so lucky? Austin asked himself. She is so pretty when she laughs. I hope the wedding turns out how she wants it to. I hope...
"Austin! Stop smiling at Clara like an idiot and answer the stupid question."Jessica yelled.
"What?" Austin asked.
"What kind of cake do you want?" Chelsea asked.
"Chocolate."Austin answered.
"Good choice." Clara told him.
"Decorations?" Chelsea asked.
"It's up to you, Clara." Austin told Clara.
"I don't care." Clara responded. "We could wing it."
"Sounds good."
"Okay." Chelsea said marking it down. "Flowers?"
As if on que there was a knock on the door.
"Yes?" Clara asked.
"It's Maggie."
"Come in, Maggie." Clara replied.
"Hi, sweetheart!" Maggie exclaimed giving Clara a hug. "Where is that boy you are marrying?"
Clara pulled away and started the introductions. "Maggie, this is Austin. Austin, this is Maggie."
"Nice to meet you ma'am." Austin said politely shaking her hand.
"Nice to meet you to." Suddenly Maggie's face became stern. "If you hurt her I will hunt you down and feed you to a Venus fly trap."
"Maggie, these are the bridesmaids and groomsmen, Jason, Derek, Sam, Jessica, and Chelsea. There is one other bridesmaid, but she lives in Tennessee."
"Nice to meet you all." Maggie said kindly.
"Nice to meet you to." They all replied.
"Well here are some samples." Maggie said pulling out a book. "I put some bouquets together last night."
Clara opened the large box that Maggie handed her. Inside were several different bouquets. One particularly caught her attention. "Maggie, you know exactly which one I am going to pick don't you?" Clara laughed.
"Maybe I do, maybe I don't."
Clara pulled out the bouquet that held her favorite flowers. It had rose, lilacs, and several other flowers.
"You always gave me this bouquet for my special occasions or any time." Clara said.
"Yes I did." Maggie replied. "The bouquet right there I thought would go really well with that bouquet."
"Do you two like it?" Clara asked.
"Yes." Jessica and Chelsea both replied.
"Okay then. Maggie I need one of this bouquet and three of this one. How much will that cost." Clara asked grabbing her wallet.
"Do you need any more flowers?" Maggie asked.
"Oh yeah." Clara said laughing.
"What do you need?"
"Petals, for the aisle, and I don't know what else because we don't know how we are decorating it."
"Clara, what if we did Valentine decorations?" Austin asked.
"Oh duh. Why didn't we think of that before." Clara replied.
"What if you did you red and pink rose petals, for the aisle?" Maggie asked pulling out some petals.
"Oh I like those." Clara said. "What do you think about making a bunch of hearts out of things we can find from the dollar store and craft stores, and buying some red and pink table clothes, Valentine's plates and napkins, and making some chandeliers out of hula hoops, white lights, red lights, and pink lights?" Clara asked Austin.
"Whatever you want sweetheart." Austin said lovingly.
"For the center pieces, what about taking vases and putting ribbon on them and hearts inside?" Maggie added.
"Oh that is a great idea!" Clara exclaimed.
"I am going to go out and see your grandparents, Clara." Maggie said.
"Okay. What do we owe you?" Clara asked.
"Thirty dollars." Maggie told her.
"Here." Clara said handing her forty dollars. "Thank you for your help."
"Your welcome honey. If you need any help. Don't be afraid to ask me." Maggie told Clara.
"It looks like this wedding is going to turn out well." Austin whispered in Clara's ear.
"I hope you actually enjoy the wedding." Clara whispered back worriedly.
"As long as I am with you I will be happy."
(At the used bridal shop two hours later)
Everyone climbed out of the van and started walking inside.
"How may I help you?" said a lady probably in her mid thirties.
"We have an appointment." Clara told the lady.
"Oh yes."
"Once you have found some stuff meet me in that back room."
"Okay, thank you." Clara turned around to the group and gave some instructions. "I want you four boys to go look at the tuxes. Don't act stupid."
"We aren't boys we are men." Sam said.
"You're really all buffoons, but boys is shorter to say. Come on girls lets go look at dresses."
Soon they all met in the back room.
"Okay." said Shelby, the lady helping them."Men over there, ladies over there."
"Ha she called us men." Sam said.
"Oh shut up, Sam." Jason replied while slapping him in the back of the head.
"Thank you, Jason." Clara said victoriously.
The first one to come out were the Jessica and Chelsea.
"Oh those dresses are gorgeous on you two!" Shelby exclaimed.
"Thanks." Jessica replied.
"Thank you." Chelsea added.
"I think we should get these, Chelsea." Jessica said.
"Oh definitely. Plus they match Clara's dress." Chelsea added.
"We need to get one for Riley. What size do you think with these measurements?" Clara asked Shelby.
"I would say a three."
"Ok thanks."
"Ahem." Clara turned around to see all four guys with tuxes on.
"Quick question. Why didn't the groomsmen get the same tuxes?" Clara said trying not to laugh at how ridiculous they looked. There were blue, brown, grey, and black tuxes on the guys.
"That's a good question." Derek said.
"Do you have a good answer?" Clara asked.
"Nope." Jason answered.
"I will be right back." Clara told them. "Sit down and don't move, Sam especially." Soon she came back with three black tuxes for the groomsmen.
"Go put these on. And please be a little faster than you were last time." Clara said.
  (The dress at the top is what the bridal dress look like. Only the skirt is longer.)

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