Chapter 12

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  (Friday, day before bridal shower and bachelor party)
  "Okay. I have sent invitations, I will make the food tonight, decorations are still being put up, and things are somewhat where we want them." Chelsea listed off. They were decorating the cafeteria of the church they went to for the bridal shower.
  "Mhh." Clara responded as she typed away at her phone.
  "What are you doing? Are you even listening to me?!"
  "Mhh. Sounds good."
  "What sounds good?"
  Chelsea snapped her fingers in front of Clara's face.
  "Oh hey, Chelsea."
  "Don't hey Chelsea me! How long have you been ignoring me? What are you doing on your phone?"
  "I don't know, and not telling you."
  "You're texting Austin, aren't you?"
  "It's possible pig."
  "Okay, Mr. Newman."
(Texts between Clara and Austin)
C: Chelsea's caught us. ABORT MISSION! ABORT MISSION!
A: Aborting mission now. What's the mission.
C: Not sure. I was hoping you would know. How are things going over there?
A: Let's just say I am hiding.
C: From who?
A: All three of them.
C: What happened?
A: I said I was bored. And everyone thought I should be more excited.
C: I think I am going to agree with them on this one.
A: Ouch! I'm hurt.
C: Wimp.
A: Excuse me who took care of you while you were sick?
C: I don't remember;)
A: Uh sure. If I do recall it was someone quite dashing.
C: Ohhh. Who? Is he single?
A: -_-
C: Jk.
A: Sure.
C: *rolling eyes*
A: ;) I'm pretty dashing, you must admit.
C: Yup. ;)
A: I do tend to think so.
C: Jess is giving me the look. I won't break.
A: You always break.
C: Not true.
A: Ya it is.
C: Ohhh. I had a really good idea!
A: What?
C: We should have the dress rehearsal at noonish. Then do a game night.
A: That is a great idea! I miss doing game nights. :(
C: Me too. I remember one of the first game nights at your house we had to watch the Frederickson kids.
A: I remember you had to watch them, and I came to your rescue.
C: Think what you want.
A: Stink someone is coming.
C: Just stay quite. Where are you?
A: In the garage.
C: Isn't it cold?!
A: Freezing.
C: Who is looking for you?
A: Sam.
C: He isn't going to give up till he finds you.
A: I know. This is going to be a long day.
C: I have to go help. Hope you survive! Love you!
A: Love you too, sweetie!
"Are you done now?" Jessica asked with her hand on her hip.
"Good lets go move the table from the kindergarten class room into here."
"Well things are almost done." Clara said.
"Ya. You were a ton of help." Jessica sarcastically said.
"I know."
"Let's go."
"We might as well start on the food."
(Next morning)
"Okay. Do we have everything?" Chelsea asked.
"I think so. If not we can come back and get it later." Clara replied.
"Let's go you two!" Jessica yelled from the car.
"Coming!" Clara yelled back.
They were soon finished with the little bit of food they had to finish preparing.
"We have about a hour before people start showing up. How about a little basketball?" Clara asked.
"I can never pass up basketball!" Jessica exclaimed as she walked to the gym.
"I win again!" Clara rubbed in their faces.
"Whatever." Jessica mumbled.
"Come on you two people are showing up!" Chelsea yelled from the doorway of the gym.
"Coming!" Clara yelled.
"Hi, Clara." Mrs. Frederickson said as she gave Clara a hug.
"Hi, Mrs. Frederickson! We were just talking about you!"
"How are the kids?"
"How is Austin? Still misbehaving?"
"We have food and drinks up here." Jessica yelled over everyone.
Soon they had finished eating and they were opening presents. Clara received more presents than she suspected.
"Thank you for coming!" Clara told people as they walked out. The shower had lasted for about 2 and a half hours.
C: We're done here. How about you guys?
A: Don't even ask. Sam has gone crazy!
C: Bummer :(
A: I hope people start leaving soon.
C: I am so exhausted.
C: Hi, Sam. Give the phone back to Austin.
A: How did you know it was me?!
C: I have eyes and ears everywhere!
A: Sam dropped my phone and is now looking everywhere.
C: lol
A: I just want to go hang out with you. :(
C: You're such a stick in the mud at party's.
A: Am not
C: Yes, you are. Don't even deny it, cuz you know it's true.
A: Whatever. Well someone just left. Not sure who though.
C: How many are left?
A: About fifty.
C: Who all did you invite?!
A: Not sure. Sam invited everyone.
C: So you're stuck at a party, and you know none of them.
A: Pretty much.
C: lol:)
A: Laugh all you want you'll pay tonight :)
C: Remember I am not responsible for any injuries!
A: Okay I will remember that. People are slowly leaving. We're down to about twenty.
C: I have to go clean up time:(
A: Bummer.
C: Ya. I love you!
A: Love you too!
"Apparently the guys party isn't going well." Clara said giggling.
"What's going on?" Jessica asked.
"Sam invited all these people I'm not even sure he knows."
"Does Austin?"
"No." Clara at this point is laughing so hard she can hardly breathe.
"Well let's get cleaning." Jessica said.

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