Chapter 10

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  "Maggie said we could use her vases for the wedding." Clara told everyone.
  "Let's split up and go to some stores. Sam I am going to put you an Jessica together for the dollar store. Jess is in charge."Clara said.
  "WHAT?! Uh uh! I am not listening to her!" Sam exclaimed.
  "Yes you are. Jason and Chelsea are going to go to Walmart. Derek you are going to drive who ever finishes with their store first to Meijers." Clara said.
  "Does that mean I am with you?" Austin asked wiggling his eyebrows.
  "Yes. We are going to Joann fabrics." Clara told him.
  "Okay."Austin replied smiling at her.
  "I can't watch this any longer we are definitely having a bachelor party." Sam said. "Austin, I have a question. Why do you just listen to Clara?"
  "Because I love her, she is stressed from the wedding, and normally her orders have me and her spending time together." Austin replied before kissing Clara.
  "Aww." The girls said.
  "Okay you two break it up." Sam said. "I just want you to know, Clara, at the bachelor party I am going to break him. He isn't going to always listen to your commands."
  "Sam, you're an idiot." Austin said.
  "I am taking your phone away during the party though." Sam responded.
  "You touch my phone and I will kill you." Austin said.
  "Why?" Sam asked.
  "Because I might need Clara to talk me out of murdering you." Austin told him.
  "Sam, good luck because I am not helping you." Clara added.
  "Okay we are at Walmart, Chelsea and Jason, out." Derek interrupted.
(Three hours later)
  "Well. What do we do now?" Austin asked.
  "Can you guys go get the vases from Maggie?" Clara asked.
  "Of course, Sweetheart." Austin replied giving Clara a quick kiss before they left.
  "Okay, Jess, go grab all the scissors we have. Chels, grab tape and pens and start opening things. I am going to go grab some rags to wash the vases out with." Clara gave off instructions.
  Clara walked into the kitchen, where her grandma was. "Hi, honey! How was the shopping?"
  "Good. Can I have some rags, buckets, and soap?"
  "Yup. They're under the sink."
  "Okay thank you."
  "Are you're friends staying for dinner, because I bought a bunch of frozen pizzas and ice cream."
  Clara walked back into the den where she found Jessica cutting hearts from colored paper, and Chelsea was opening up the various things they had bought.
  "Chels, can you help me fill these buckets up with water and get them ready for when the guys get here with the vases?"
  They went to the garage, which was heated because of the cold freezing weather, and filled the buckets up with water and soap.
  "I hear them." Clara said drying off her hands. "I'm going to go help them."
  "Bring the boxes into the garage." Clara told them.
  Soon they had several boxes of vases in the garage. "Do you guys want to stay for dinner?"
  They all agreed, and soon everyone was doing something. The boys were helping in the kitchen, and the girls were cleaning vases.
  "The foods finished." Austin said coming into the garage.
  "Okay. Come grab a box of vases and take them to the den, please." Clara said.
  The three girls and Austin each grabbed a box and went to the den to dispose of them. After everyone was gathered in the kitchen, the prayed and ate.
(Two hours later)
  They had cleaned up the kitchen, finished cleaning the vases, and had moved them into the den.
  "Now comes the fun part." Austin said sarcastically plopping onto the couch.
  "Oh yeah. Why could be more fun than decorating vases?" Sam added.
  "I know." Jessica said with an evil smile on her face. Soon High School Musical was on.
  "Well then. I guess things could get worst." Sam said.
  "Just you wait." Chelsea mumbled.
  "What?" Sam asked.
  "Nothing." Chelsea replied.
  When the first song started playing Sam knew what she was taking about. All three of the girls started singing.
  "Turn it off!" Sam yelled reaching over to turn off the tv.
  "Touch that and I will kill you!" Jessica threatened. When he didn't stop, Jessica tackled him. "What did I say?"
  "Not to touch it." Jason interrupted.
  "And what did you do?" Jessica asked Sam.
  "Didn't stop trying to turn it off." Sam said his face formed in terror.
  "Are you going to touch it?" Jessica asked.
  "No." Sam shook his head.
  "Good." She said while getting off of him.
  "Sam, you just got taken down by a girl." Austin laughed.
  "Whatever." Sam said with a glare on his blushing face. Everyone knew Sam liked Jessica.
  "Okay. The ribbon is on all the vases." Chelsea interrupted.
  "I have the hearts inside the vases." Jessica added.
  "Almost all the vases are in the box." Jason said.
  "How many more boxes need to be taken to the garage?" Derek asked.
  "Three." Clara replied.
  "I'll take one. That way neither Austin or Derek have to take two." Sam offered getting up from his spot in the floor.
  "We can go in town tomorrow and finish shopping." Jessica said once the three boys were back.
"Do we have to?" Sam whined.
Jessica gave him a death glare.
"I mean we would love to." Sam said quickly.
"That's what I thought you said."
"Clara?" Austin whispered.
"Yes, handsome?" Clara whispered back.
"I love you, and I am so happy that you agreed to marry me."
"What are you two whispering about?" Jessica interrupted.
"Nothing." Clara said.
"Oh yeah. Why are you smiling like you have just won the lottery?"
"I'm not." Clara said blushing.
"Now your blushing!" She exclaimed. Clara buried her head into Austin's side. Austin smiled down at her and kissed her the top of her head.
"Ew! Stop with all the mushy stuff!" Sam yelled. Clara picked up her head and glared at Sam. Then she turned to Austin and kissed him.
"Okay you two! Break it up." Sam said.
"Your just jealous, because I have such a beautiful fiancée." Austin said as he smiled down at Clara.
"Think what you will."
"Maybe if you had a girlfriend you wouldn't be so rude." Jason said.
"You don't have a girlfriend." Sam replied.
"Not currently." Jason shot back. Clara noticed Chelsea look down.
"Chelsea, can you come help me with something?" Clara asked.
"Sure." Chelsea said. They walked to Clara's room.
"Are you okay?" Clara asked sympathetically.
"Ya." Chelsea said looking down.
"It's Jason, isn't it." Chelsea just nodded her head.
"I like him, but he doesn't notice me."
"What?! You have never seen him staring at you?"
"Can I come in?" Jason asked from the other side of the door.
"Ya." Clara said.
"Can we have some privacy please?" Jason asked Clara.
"Ya." Clara said stunning up from the bed and walking out the door.
"I like you, would you like to go out sometime?"
"Okay good." Jason said giving Chelsea a hug. They made their way back to the den to find Jessica arguing with Sam.
"No!" Sam yelled. "We already watched your high school musical, now we are watching a scary movie."
"We are not watching some scary movie. I like my sleep." Jessica yelled back.
"It might be time to go. It's 11:30." Derek interrupted.
"Fine." Sam said.
"I don't want to leave you." Austin whispered to Clara.
"I don't want you to leave either. Soon we won't have to leave each other." Clara whispered back.
"I know. Let's go outside so we can talk."
No one noticed when Clara and Austin left the room. They walked out onto the back porch.
"The stars are so pretty." Clara said.
"Mhh." Austin responded looking at Clara.
"What are you looking at?" Clara asked with a smile on her face.
"I am looking at the most beautiful, amazing fiancée." Clara was glad it was dark out because she was blushing like crazy.
"You are going to make the best father." Clara stood on her toes and kissed Austin. She felt Austin's arms wrap around her holding her tightly against him. Clara pulled away and laid her head in his chest, listening to the thud of his heart. Austin picked her up bridal style and carried her to the bench that was on the porch. He carefully sat down holding her in his arms. Soon Clara felt herself drifting off to sleep.
(The next morning)
Clara woke up and looked around her room. WAIT! How did I get here?
I might as well get ready instead of sitting here trying to figure this out. When Clara walked back into her room, she found Chelsea texting someone.
"How did your talk with Jason go?" Clara asked.
"He asked me out!" Chelsea answered enthusiastically.
Clara grabbed her phone and found a message from Austin.
A: Good morning gorgeous! Thank you so much for agreeing to marry me. I will see you later today my love!
C: I love you so much, handsome! Words can't even describe the love I have for you. I miss you whenever you aren't around, and every time I see you, talk to you, or even think about you, I fall in love with you again.
A: Come downstairs.
Clara walked downstairs where she found Austin standing there with a bouquet of roses.
"Good morning." He said taking her hand and leading her to the table that had breakfast for two set up. Austin pulled back Clara's chair allowing her to sit down.
"Thank you." Clara said looking at her fiancé with love filled eyes.
"Just think 29 days and you will be Mrs. Clara Newman."

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