Chapter 4

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It was just before sunrise. I need to find clothes so I can fit in with the rest of the Tsu band. The huts here were much more impressive than the ones back at our village. I managed to find a clothing store hut, packed with Tsu style clothing. Thankfully, no one was in here. I stole a kimono, a straw hat, and some jewelry. This should be enough to fit in.

My next objective was to find Tsu's hut. Obviously, it should be the most impressive looking hut. Oh, what a coincidence, the most impressive one was centered in the middle of the village. Perfect. I head inside the hut, only to be greeted by a sleeping Tsu. He looked so serene. No one else was in here. I changed into the stolen clothing and stuffed my old clothes into my basket. Now I can finally get some sleep. I took my spot right next to Tsu on his mat. I snuggled up against him and fell into a blissful sleep.


9 AM

Tsu's Perspective

I was awoken by the sound of loud snoring. Who the heck was in my hut? Someone was sleeping next to me. Oh... It was a girl. Now who could this lucky little lady be? I moved her short locks out of her face. She looked familiar... Wait a second. It couldn't be. I think this girl is Nami! Now why is she here? Did she miss me so much that she wanted to see me as soon as possible? Now that's flattering. I wrap my arm around her torso and lean forward. I whisper softly into her ears.

"Wake up... Sweetheart."

"Ugh... Who...? Oh gosh! Tsu!" Nami exclaimed.

"Good morning."

"Uh... Morning."

"Come on, get up. Let's walk and talk."

I pull Nami up, and we walk out.

"So tell me how you managed to appear by side this morning?" I ask.

"... I ran away from my village. I didn't want to be forced into an arranged marriage... So I left, because I love you," Nami declared.

My jaw dropped. Did I hear that correctly? She LOVES me? Wow, I've never had much experience with these kind of things. That kind of made me feel warm on the inside.

"I-I love you too!"

We both embrace each other and exchanged kisses. I've always heard about how good love felt, but now I understand. This is who I want to be with. I take Nami's hand and show her around the village. I didn't let the band know that she was from the Nami clan. I even showed her our irrigation system in our village.

"Wow! It really is like what you said. This is so cool!" Nami's eyes brightened up at the sight.

"I'm glad you like it."

"Your village is so much more advanced than ours. I'd choose this place over my village any day!"

"Just wait until Spring comes, you'll love the cherry blossoms around here."

"That's something I'll be looking forward too!"

Seeing Nami made me happy. I think I know what I need to do next.

"Hey Nami, do you want to be married?"

"Really...? Yes! Yes! Yes! That's perfect! Who knows, maybe our tribes will finally be united with our marriage!"

"Yes, that sounds perfect. I'll be sure to let my band know!"

Nami jumped onto me and embraced me with loving arms. The future shows to be bright.


Later that night...

Nami's uncle secretly meets with some of the superiors from the Tsu band.

"Hello. I think you know why we're meeting," The uncle says.

"Indeed, Sir. Our leaders are traitors. Our tribes uniting... What a silly dream to chase. So the plan?"

"Like I promised my niece... We will dispose of them, and here is the plan I formulated."

The uncle spread a planning sheet across a table, showing a detailed set of instructions.

"Ah yes, this is very classic. It's a good plan, we will execute this plan tomorrow night. Leave the preparations to us, Sir."


And so, the Tsu and Nami tribes were finally working together for a common purpose, but not for the reasons Nami would've ever imagined.

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