Part 96

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"This is a fantastic view." Isabelle told him, without glancing back. "I can see right over the water. For miles and miles." She'd discarded her shoes and now knelt on the cushioned windowsill bench, braced her arms along the sill and watched the yachts work their way out of the harbour. "Beautiful." Isabelle murmured as her eyes tracked the scene. This was a prime location. With views that were a premium.

Silently Doug came and stood behind her, looking out at what she saw. "I like it." He said, then leaned in and placed the two wine glasses on the sill. As he moved away he kissed her shoulder. With one hand he gently lifted her hair off her neck and pressed a kiss to the area of skin revealed. Isabelle shivered as nerve endings fired up instantly.

Her response was all the incentive Doug needed. "You like that?" He breathed against her ear then nibbled gently. The only sound apart from their escalating breathing was the sound of the grandfather clock ticking away in the background.

Isabelle arched her back instinctively. Doug's hands left her hair, his lips teased along her jaw line, tiny fleeting kisses that tantalized and coaxed. Isabelle felt him lift up her skirt. "Open." He whispered against her earlobe as his knees edged her legs apart.

"Someone might see us." Isabelle whispered back.

"The glass is one way." Doug replied hoarsely against her ear before he nuzzled her neck with insistent lips.

Isabelle shuffled, widening her stance. She heard him unzip his trousers, heard the button unclip, wanted to turn around and see, but as she turned, Doug kissed the lips she presented. She reached with one arm to hold his head, to prolong the kiss. He was busy. Multitasking. Lips feasting. Hands roving. One hand pulled her lacy g string to one side, his other hand helped guide him to her slick entrance. With the entrance reached, he held her hips with both hands, and driving forward he pulled her hips back to fit flush with his pelvic bone. Her breath hitched. One smooth, hard thrust, deep and high. Her nerves were fried. Swift current reached her fingertips as she gripped the sill with one hand, while her other hand had fisted in his hair. Fused, he remained motionless for a second. Then his hands moved, past the edge of her silk t-shirt, pushing the cups of her bra up, before sweeping round to cage her breasts. He curved over her. Isabelle moaned.

They were at the window, pressed from hip to chest. Breathing hard, he suggested hoarsely, "Just feel."

She could. She couldn't help her inner muscles from contracting, holding him tighter. He growled, then nuzzled her neck. One hand left her breasts and returned to band across her hips, pressing her even closer, pushing him even higher, deeper. Then he reached past the material of her skirt, past the tiny, sodden damp triangle of material that covered her. His finger arrowed and found the spot he was searching for. This time Isabelle whimpered.

"You are beautiful." She was told in a breathless whisper, as Doug released her only to slowly enter again. He stopped. Waited for her to contract around him, before repeating the move. Simple. But oh so delicious. Thrust, caress, release. Over and over. He kissed the column of neck she exposed, kissed her jaw line, kissed her cheeks, her temple, but avoided her lips. She moaned. He traced his path back, finding her lips and with slow and steady penetration, he mirrored his actions.

Five minutes later Isabelle was pleading, begging for that crest that was within reach. With one hand he scissored one nipple between thumb and first finger. Isabelle exploded, the colours danced behind her eyes, before her body tensed and then convulsed. Doug drove hard as she climaxed, finding release just as quickly. They collapsed against the sill.

On Monday morning, Doug brought her coffee in bed. Dressed in his boxers he put the coffee on his bedside table and leaned down to press a kiss to her temple.

"Time's up." He told her. "I brought you coffee."

Isabelle mumbled something he didn't quite hear. Her face was buried in the pillows. All he caught was the sound of her voice, her words were indistinguishable.

"Come on. It's six." Doug told her. He was usually up and dressed by now. In fact he was usually at his desk by seven most working days. He worked hard and he played hard.

"Six?" Isabelle groaned and turned her head away. Doug chuckled. "Go away!" She mumbled into the pillow. He did not take offence. Instead he walked to the other side of the bed, bobbed down and kissed her. Just a quick peck of a kiss on the lips.

When he broke off the kiss, he said, "Coffee, shower, then you need to go home and get some clothes." He got to his feet. But he did not go far. Not when it looked like she had no intention of getting out of bed! "Isabelle?" He prompted. He wanted to have a serious conversation with her about moving in. But first he needed to get her awake. For a second he contemplated saving the conversation for this evening. But then he shook his head. If he went to work with this situation currently unresolved, he would not get any work done.

"What?" She grumbled, and snuggled into the pillow. Looked like he wasn't about to leave her to sleep till some decent hour. So she decided to point out what she considered the obvious. "It's too early!" She muttered and pummeled a pillow. "Fine way to treat your guests" He heard her say. Doug's lips twitched. He was tempted to tell her that she wasn't a guest. But that particular conversation was one he intended to have when she was fully awake and more than able to discuss the matter comprehensively and honestly.

She knew he hadn't left, even though he did not say anything. She feigned sleep for a few more seconds. Doug waited her out.

Grumbling to herself, Isabelle opened her eyes. Doug grinned. Muttering to herself she rolled onto her back and just for effect she yawned. He stood and watched. His eyes danced as he watched her theatrical antics and waited for her to sit up and get out of bed.

But she didn't shift from her prone position on the bed. She just lay there in bed, almost challenging him to make her get out of bed! Doug had never turned down a challenge. He reached for her arms and tugged her into a sitting position. Then he bobbed down so that he was at eye level. "You really aren't a morning person, are you?" He brushed noses, smiled and then kissed her lightly before standing before her.

"Who says I'm not a morning person?" She asked as she raised her head and found herself facing his crotch. She noticed he was semi erect. Slowly she lifted her eyes to his face. He looked at her with a mixture of warning and encouragement.

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