Part 21

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It was a short car ride before they reached her house. Somewhat reluctant to end their albeit short acquaintance, Doug turned in his seat to ask, "Would you like me to wait? I could run you to where you're supposed to be." And spend a bit more time with you added that little voice in his head.

"No, that's fine. Thanks. I'll take my time and my car. I just didn't want to find parking around McIntyres at that time of the day." She explained as she prepared to vacate the car.

"Ok. Well." He hesitated.

It was rare for him to find himself at a loss as to how to proceed. He watched her, wondering for a moment or two whether she would be open to going out with him. He could ask her out. On a proper date. Things might work out.

"We haven't really discussed what we intend to do about this bogus engagement."

She reached for the door handle and opened the car door. "I think Tina sorted that out." She announced with a broad grin, as if having water splashed over an expensive dress was nothing major.

"In what way?"

She pushed open the door and prepared to step out. "We can split on the grounds of two timing. Unless you don't want to be the bad guy? Or if you want to hold onto the Soujour D'Sa connection."

"Shit no!" He rolled his eyes, regretting the fact he had been coarse in his dismissal. Yet another sign of the difference between them. "Sorry. That's not what I meant. Sorry."

Isabelle's eyes danced. He looked embarrassed. She doubted a man like Douglas Hawke was easily embarrassed. She stepped out of the car, then leaned in as she said, "I know what you meant." She shrugged nonchalantly. "It's your call. Let me know what you decide. I'll leave the answer phone on."

"Right." Looked like things were leaving his realm of control. Pity.

"Thanks for an, er, interesting evening." Isabelle smiled at him, and just before she closed the door she added "Hope the meeting goes well." Then she turned and headed for her front door and without looking back, she stepped into her hall and closed the front door.

"What happened to you?" Cara asked when she saw the water splattered dress.

"You wouldn't believe it. But I can't stop now. I'm late for the dinner." Isabelle hitched up her skirts and raced up the stairs. Cara smiled slowly as she watched Isabelle take the stairs at a fast trot. That was the young girl she remembered. The one who always wanted to get somewhere quicker than it was possible. The one with dreams. Cara's smile vanished. Dreams that had been shelved in order to keep her sisters, grandmother and Cara fed, clothed and housed. At twenty she had taken over the running of the house and the house of Sojour D'Sa. And she had kept them afloat. No mean feat, given the circumstances. Her grandmother had sold two family heirlooms, and Isabelle had used the proceeds to buy some risky shares. Cara didn't understand any of it. She just knew it was one hell of a risk. A risk Isabelle had been taking for the last ten years, as she quietly dug her family out of debt and kept the family name intact. It was a risk that had cost her emotionally as she went from an open, gregarious young girl to a reserved, frosty young woman.

In the sanctuary of her bedroom Isabelle was spinning all sorts of dreams. What if dreams. What if she had met the man under different circumstances? What if he was genuinely interested in dating her? What if they were engaged? And pigs would fly, the thought whizzed through her head. Isabelle chuckled at her idiocy. The man was not short of female company, that much was clear. Dating her would not be on his list. Clearly his tastes ran to much more flamboyant. She laughed happily. That was so not her!

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