Part 75

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Isabelle returned to her bed at nine that evening. They had spent a pleasant couple of hours talking while they ate what they had jointly prepared. Despite the fact they barely knew each other, it felt strangely comfortable sitting down to a meal together and just passing the time of day. It also felt as if they had been doing it for years.

Isabelle wasn't asleep when he came up to check on her.

"You can sleep here." She told him bluntly, albeit sleepily. She blinked in consternation. Had she really just told the man he could join her in bed? What was she thinking? But having made the offer she could hardly backtrack now. It would make her look really stupid. She buried her head in the pillows and hoped he hadn't heard her.

Doug's eyebrow quirked. He hadn't been expecting an invitation. To share her bed? He wondered if her fever had returned. Perhaps she was hallucinating. Or he might be. His silence had her opening her eyes and peeking at him. He appeared to be studying her. No point pretending he hadn't heard her offer. Probably best if she just tries to make the best of a poor situation. Now that she'd invited him to stay! 

Isabelle sighed quietly and then rolled onto her side and opened her eyes to focus on him she explained, "I know you won't take advantage of an incapacitated woman." She also knew that if he remained true to form he'd want to stay close to make sure she was ok.

"I'll take the chair." For several long seconds Doug found himself trying to make sense of this turn of events. Surely, surely she was not inviting him to share her bed. Ill or not, that was not her style.

"It's uncomfortable." Isabelle wondered why her tongue was running away from her brain. She was the type that normally thought things through before she spoke. So why choose now to abandon those years of training. He must think her a fool.

The trouble was that he knew for a fact it would be more comfortable than sharing a bed with her and not touching her. "I can use a bed in one of the other rooms."

She nodded, than goodness the man had some common sense. But that did not stop her mouth going into action again. "And then you'd get up every hour to see how I was." She acknowledged what she knew, and what he hadn't told her, "Just like you checked on me all afternoon despite the fact I told you I was perfectly fine." Isabelle sighed, then despite knowing she was going against her head's inclination she said tentatively, "This way, we'd both get some sleep." Her heart was racing. Her head was remonstrating with her. 

"You're being accommodating." And she was right. He would check up on her. For while she claimed to be on the mend, she still looked far too tired. Even sitting down and helping him prepare the meal earlier appeared to drain her. But just as he knew then, not to argue with her about helping get dinner ready, he knew right now that telling her he wouldn't be checking on her would be of no use.

He studied her. She did have more colour in her cheeks. She was still drinking the liquid concoction he kept giving her and he knew that was helping with her temperature and with keeping her hydrated. But she also still looked exhausted.

"I know that telling you to go home is a waste of time." Isabelle said. She knew him, despite not really knowing him all that long. She knew him to be a man who took responsibility seriously, and finding her in an incapacitated stated had ensured his conscience kicked in. She was pretty sure he would stay until he was sure she was ok. And she was equally sure that telling him she was ok would not suffice. He would determine when he thought she was ok!

Doug hoped they weren't going to restart that particular discussion. His lips quirked at her bluntness but he said nothing as he took a moment to consider his options. He was tempted to accept. But as he kept reminding himself he was playing for the long term. And while it would be great to stay with her through the night he was not going to jeopardize the progress they had made by accepting the easy option. Dinner had been a huge turning point. He knew that. He wasn't about to shred that particular gift horse, not when it looked like things were going his way. Talking over dinner had been interesting on so many levels, and not just in terms of the topics. Talking to her was relaxing and exciting at the same time! He found her easy to talk to, but he also knew that he was nervous because so much rested on the outcome of what they established.

Isabelle kept her voice straight forward, "And as you seem determined to make sure I'm ok, I'm just trying to make sure you are too."

"You're sure about this?" Doug was really tempted. Being with her was important. More than important.

Isabelle nodded and silently sent up a prayer asking for intervention. Please let him stay. Please help him to agree to stay. Please.

Doug nodded. "Thanks."

Isabelle's heart practically bounced around within her rib cage. She settled back on the bed suddenly feeling self-conscious. It was one thing to offer to share the bed with the man, and quite another to prepare for the fact he had agreed to share the bed with you! She wasn't even sure he had brought any nightwear with him. Isabelle suddenly began to wonder about her sanity. What was she thinking? Then reality took over. The man was not going to jump her. He'd had plenty of opportunity to take advantage over the last couple of days, if he'd been so inclined. He was not going take advantage now.

"I've just got a couple of things to see to." He told her as he picked up her now empty mug. He had a bit of paper work that he wanted to get done tonight.

She nodded and snuggled deeper under the covers.

"But I will take you up on your offer." He reminded as he stepped out of the room. Isabelle thought that sounded like a promise of intent. She murmured nothing of consequence in acknowledgement of his statement.

So it was hardly surprising that when Marina arrived the following morning found Doug and Isabelle sound asleep in Isabelle's bed. 

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