Part 73

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Isabelle rolled on to her side, placed her palm beneath her head and pretended he had left the room. For a second Doug just stood and watched her. After a second her shook his head. Women! Stubborn women!

"Can I get you a drink?"

She shook her head. "No thanks." He studied her for another second. Isabelle lifted her head and glanced over her shoulder. "You should leave." She said firmly. His brow rose. She was certain she was wasting her breath for the man looked obstinate. But still, she felt compelled to make her case. "Really there's nothing you can do here. I'm fine. In any case, it's Saturday, if you've got something to do, or need to go someplace, please don't let me hold you back." She hoped she didn't sound whinny. It was nice having him here, but she didn't want him to feel pressured into staying.

"I'm fine where I am." He replied before saying in a more accommodating tone, "I'll be downstairs if you need anything."

Isabelle decided to give him one more out. "Obviously my opinion does not matter to you." She turned around again, rolled onto her side, pillowed her hands and rested her head before she said, "But if you change your mind, don't worry, just close the door behind you."

Doug was torn between laughing and wanting to make a point. Did she really think he would just leave her, when she wasn't well and had no one around to look out for her? He rubbed at the back of his neck and decided to lean toward diplomacy. "Ok, Isabelle. If I need to leave, I'll leave you a note." He had no intention of going anywhere. Given her persistence, he figured the best option would be to accommodate her by playing along. "For now, why don't you get some rest." It wasn't a request. More like a dictate, but enveloped with a smile he hoped the words would be softer. He smiled, when he heard what sounded like a harrumph! "I'll be downstairs if you need anything." Doug waited for her to burrow and then left the room.

Isabelle's ears remained alert. She heard him leave the room and after a few moments she rolled onto her back, sighed heavily and looked at the plain white ceiling. Life was about to get complicated, came the thought as her eyelashes fluttered down despite her attempt to stay alert. What was she going to do if she could not prove she nor her family were responsible for the latest announcement. On a sigh of regret she rolled onto her side and faced the door. Strange how empty the room felt without him. On that thought her lips curved, she snuggled deeper beneath the duvet and on a tired yawn, closed her eyes.

Isabelle, much to her surprise slept through to five. She hadn't been aware of the fact that he had been up to check on her a couple of times during the intervening time. She was sound asleep on both occasions. Her mouth slightly open as she drew in and expelled air.

After a quick trip to the bathroom, she dragged on a dressing gown and headed for the bedroom door. As she stepped through the open door she wondered whether she would find him still in her house or long gone. Had he left? Would there be a note waiting for her in the kitchen? That thought was depressing. Her shoulders hunched as she pushed her hands into the dressing gown pockets and took the stairs with some measure of reluctance for the house was very quiet.

But then what did she expect, she asked herself. It was hardly likely he was going to stay around to work and have music blaring through the house! Was it more likely he'd have left? It was a Saturday after all, and he was bound to have something on for tonight. Which reminded her that he had stayed over on a Friday night. Feeling somewhat guilty, she padded silently to the kitchen. And much to her relief and happiness she found him sitting at the kitchen table working.

As the door swung open, Doug stopped working and looked up. He'd heard her approach the kitchen, not because she was heavy footed, but because she was sniffling as she reached the door.

He smiled at her. "Well that was a decent sleep." He said. And she looked rested. More colour to her cheeks. All good, he thought as he got to his feet.

"Hungry?" He asked. Isabelle glanced at her watch. Before she could demur he said, "How about I make us something light to eat."

"That will not be necessary. I'm perfectly able to take care of myself now." She said. "Not that I'm not grateful for your assistance. You've been very obliging."

Doug burst out laughing. She sounded so prim. "Obliging?" He asked as he got to his feet. "Here, grab a seat. Wouldn't want all that well earned sleep to account for nothing when you keel over!"

Isabelle blinked at him. "I'm not going to keel over."

"Good." He gestured toward the chair. "Sit."

"Anyone ever told you that you are remarkably bossy!"

Doug shrugged. "A few." He looked at her, "What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Anyone ever tell you that you are bossy?"

Isabelle took the chair, "As a matter of fact," She hesitated, then shrugged, "yes." No point pretending she was some shrinking violet. She'd had to take charge for years. So of course she tended to be bossy.

He chuckled. 

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