Part 30

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It was disconcerting to find that it was actually rather easy to talk honestly to someone who came from a completely different social strata and not feel as if they could, if they wanted to, use it against you. Doug had arrived at this house in a terrible mood. He had laid the blame for much of what had transpired that day, firmly at her feet. Yet, barely half an hour with her, in her company, eating pizza of all things and drinking a decent glass of wine, and he was feeling so much more relaxed!

Isabelle sensed the fact he was mellowing. Maybe she was growing on him. Maybe he did not see her as the reason for his predicament. Maybe.

They chatted and ate. Much of what they talked about was nothing other than factual. They were both intelligent and as a result they both knew that if they were to pass this sham of an engagement of as something credible, then knowing something about their partner would help! So slowly, bit, by bit they learnt a touch more about the other. And slowly, bit, by bit they were coming to not just respect the other, but actually like them as people!

Both were rather surprised when Cara walked in because they hadn't realized how much time had gone by. It was gone eleven. Yet neither had at any time looked at their watch. Nor had the conversation flagged.

"Oh sorry." Cara said instantly. She was somewhat surprised to see the man she had met earlier that week, sitting in the kitchen, looking happy and relaxed. Now what was he still doing here? But even as that question registered she found herself studying Isabelle and liking what she saw.

Doug glanced at the kitchen wall clock, and frowned. Where had the time gone? "I hadn't realised the time." Doug got to his feet.

"I'm sorry to interrupt." And she really was. Cara wished she'd checked before she came into the kitchen. The scene in front of her was one of domestic and yet strangely enough first date, bliss. Mr Hawke and Isabelle appeared to be comfortable with each other. In the room there was an air of warmth and genuine harmony. How very interesting Cara thought as she glanced over at Isabelle. How perfect! "Please don't rush away on my account."

"I must be going." Doug smiled at Cara. He had been here a few hours but time had fairly flown. It was rare for him to relax with people he did not know very well. But, as he got to his feet, he knew he was utterly, simply at ease. He was going to have to think about this. Later. First things first. He turned to Isabelle and the smile heated up a notch. "Thanks for dinner."

Cara looked at the pizza box.

"Cara, Mr Hawke..."

"Doug." He interrupted quickly. They hadn't been using names in their conversation. They hadn't had to. They had simply talked.

"Doug." She corrected herself and smiled as him. Cara's heart all but melted when she detected the silent messages that flashed between Isabelle and Doug. Isabelle said softly, "We have decided to remain engaged for three months, then we'll go our own way." Cara's slide into happy-ever-after disappeared in the blink of an eye. Go their own way? What? Why? Isabelle shrugged. "It's for the best." Isabelle thought she ought to explain the situation, as they would clearly be spending a bit of time together, and from the dewy eyed expression in Cara's eyes, it was obvious the woman had reached the wrong conclusion.

"Oh." Pity thought Cara. What a shame. Isabelle was due some good luck. She had shouldered so much for so long and had started shouldering it at a young age. "I see." Cara said with gentle understanding.

Isabelle could understand Cara's sadness. She was feeling much the same way. It would have been nice to have been engaged for real. To a man who cared about her and for her. It would have been nice to have had some pretend time with him. Time to experience being engaged. But it was not meant to be.

"So you'll be seeing him around." Isabelle said gently. "Tomorrow for instance, we're going to the Rayners party. Doug will be collecting me here around seven."

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow. Good night." Cara had never learnt the art of tact. Doug blinked at her abrupt dismissal. But before he could even respond the housekeeper had already left the room.

Isabelle smiled at him. "Sorry. She is an acquired taste!" She gestured for him to walk toward the door, "But she has a heart of gold and is loyal to the core." He returned the smile. "I'll get your coat." She opened the kitchen door and they walked into the hall

"Thanks for dinner." Doug repeated. Now that he was going home, he was somewhat disappointed that the evening had come to an end. But they were meeting tomorrow, and that had his smile growing. He could work from that. Build on what they had established this evening and see where it took them. He knew where he'd like to end up. With her.

"It was no trouble." Isabelle handed him his coat. "Nice to have some company." And she had very much enjoyed his company. She liked talking to him, liked his honest response to things. There were no sides to him. He was witty without being obnoxious. He clearly had a soft spot for family given how he talked about his brother and grandmother. He was also loyal, something she heard in his voice when he talked about a friend and business partner who had recently got married. All in all, this evening had been most illuminating. The prospect of meeting again tomorrow was exciting.

"I doubt you are short of company." Doug muttered. She was a beautiful woman, with a respected family name. He very much doubted she had any trouble getting dates.

She smiled as she caught his sentence. Then she reached for the door, and said, "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yes." He had shrugged on his coat, "Good night." He smiled at her as he stood on her doorstep.

"Goodnight." She replied with a tentative smile. There were a couple of seconds when they just stood and looked at each other. It was as if they were waiting for the other to make the next move. But neither did.

With a nod he smiled and turned. Isabelle released the breath she had held. Kicking herself for her inability to take what she wanted, she watched in silence as he started his car. She was still watching his car head down their drive when Cara said from behind her,

"Aren't you on tomorrow..."

"Yes." Isabelle said somewhat distracted.


" It's ok." Isabelle interrupted quickly, not keen to burst the bubble of happiness that was welling up within. "We won't stop long at the party."

"It's going to get complicated." Murmured Cara.

"Isn't it already?" Mumbled Isabelle as she wondered why she found this man so intriguing.

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