Part 11

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Doug's words surprised him as much as they surprised her.

Her interruption was to be expected. "What?" Her calm facade slipped a notch but she retrieved it quickly. "I don't think..." She began in a cold haughty voice, only to be interrupted by him continuing with his sentence.

Now that he was thinking aloud and his ideas were forming without pre-conceived thought, the words seemed to just form and escape. "and in a few weeks, months tops, we break the engagement. Cite social differences, or you got tired hanging around with an ugly mutt, whatever."

Isabelle was shocked by what she was hearing. He could not expect her to fall in with this elaborate scam. Did he really think it would be that easy to dupe her into a farce of an engagement? He had to know that she would not fall for this scam. No one in their right mind would agree to fall in with this elaborate scam. What would he do when he learnt that he'd hooked himself up with a broke heiress?

"I don't think so." Isabelle replied calmly. That was the second time he'd drawn attention to his looks. She was not about to allow herself to be set up like this. Time to bring this matter to a close. If he insisted on being difficult she would summon the police. They could handle this scam. "I have no intention of ..."

"I didn't place the announcement in the paper." He reminded her without any preamble. Well she certainly was a cool customer.

"Neither did I." Isabelle promptly reminded him. "Neither did I!" She repeated pointedly but her voice remained calm. Something about the way he'd made that last statement was ringing alarm bells. For most of the conversation thus far she had been under the impression that he was a hustler. That this con of his about an engagement announcement was nothing more than that. A con. Elaborate. But never the less just a con.

Doug nearly smiled. That was impressive, the way she remained poised, calm, cool, collected.

"According to the records you did." Doug corrected flatly and she could hear the conviction and angry accusation in his tone. He seemed to genuinely believe that she had announced their engagement. Which was simply ridiculous. In any case how could he be so sure?

"How would you know that?" She finally voiced the thing that had intrigued her and had niggled away at the back of her mind for the last few minutes.

"Your credit card."

How would he know it was her credit card? How could he possibly know?

Doug watched with open interest as the questions, albeit silent became visible in her eyes. "My business is computing. I employ some of the best talent around." One of whom was his brother. "It didn't take much to check your e-paper trail from the time you placed the announcement to the time the money was debited against your card." He relayed the information as if it was nothing of any significance.

"What? You employ hackers." She challenged as her eyes widened in amazement and astonishment. So that's why he was so confident that this scam would work. He had access to her credit card? She frowned. If he did, he could have used it without her being any the wiser. She blinked in confusion.

"No. But I can quote your card number." He said angrily and defensively. She made him sound like an embezzler.

Isabelle's mouth nearly dropped wide open. She was scandalised and impressed. How did he have those details? It wasn't a card she had used in a while. In fact the only thing it currently carried was some of her sister's wedding costs. She wondered if that meant that he also knew what their financial status was like. Deciding to call him out, just to see if he was bluffing, she challenged quietly, "What was it?"

Doug's eyes held hers. Blindly he reached into his Jacket and retrieved a slip of paper. He handed it to her.

Isabelle took the paper, and her alarm rocketed. He seemed so confident. Too confident. Surely too confident. Even for a conman.

"Would you excuse me for a second." Isabelle said, her manners still intact, her composure once again in evidence. She got to her feet with simple grace. He got to his feet. Which surprised her. She wasn't expecting that sort of courtesy. Time to see just how efficient this scammer was. "My card is upstairs." She told him as she took a step toward the door.

Then she was gone.

Doug massaged the back of his neck, not at all surprised to find the muscles corded tight. He breathed out a sigh and glanced toward the door that was closing behind her. Something wasn't right, he thought as the door closed behind her. She genuinely appeared to be unaware of this notice. But he hadn't put the notice in either. And the paper trail ended with her. He rubbed at the back of his neck and retook his seat. Well, life was not dull, that was for sure.

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