{Chapter 3}

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Yoongi just left and I was left alone again.
But there was a knock and I opened it
I was exited I thought it was Jimin
But not it's Bambam and Mark.
"You look disappointed"
Bambam faked a sad face
"Come Inside you dork"
Mark took his little shoes off and ran to the couch
"Marks birthday is coming up"
I looked at Bambam
"How old is he gonna turn this year, it seems like time flys by doesn't it"
Bambam nodded
"He's turning 5"
Bambam sipped his coffee
"He's at work, he came home early yesterday too hang around me and mark and it was great"
I nodded
"How this marriage life?"
I shrugged
"Jungkook you really have to tell yoongi what you saw you can't keep it a secret"
I signed
I turned to mark and he was playing with the building blocks
I always had then here, Mark would always come over when Bambam was busy and me and him would play with the blocks
I never thought of children
Does yoongi like children?
"You okay"
I turn and look at Bambam
He got up and grabbed marks backpack
"Well it was nice to see you little one but Mark has a play date with his friend and we have to be going"
I smile and nod
"Have fun Mark I'll see you at your birthday"
Make jumped on me and hugged me tight
"I'll miss you hyung, and promise me you'll go to my birthday this year"
I nod and give him a kiss on the cheek
He smiled and got off
I dismiss them from the front door and they we're gone
I was alone again.
I signed and went ahead and took a shower and made dinner.
After I ate I put the leftovers away and jumped into the bed.
"Good night Jimin"
I mumbled into my pillow and smile.

sexy neighbor {jikook} Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora